Harry High Fever

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Harry POV

After Zayn was in the ambulance, Paul quickly got the four of us onto the bus before he left for the hospital.
We settled in and calmed down a bit, and that's when I noticed I still had the headache from before.

"I'm gonna make us dinner guys, any suggestions?" Liam called from the small tour bus kitchenette
"Ooo what do we have? I'm hungry" Niall replied
I, on the other hand, was not feeling hungry, and actually felt a bit nauseous.
"We have..." Liam began searching through the freezer. "Salisbury steak, spaghetti and meatballs, and chicken nuggets and mac and cheese"
"I want some comfort food" Louis piped up
"Alrighty, chicken and mac it is!" Liam exclaimed, pulling the banquet box out of the freezer
"That sounds awesome" Niall said
"That sound good to you Haz? You're awfully quiet" Liam mentioned, looking to me
"Uh yeah, fine. I'm not very hungry, I think I might just go to bed" I mumbled
"Okay, are you sure you're alright?" Liam continued
"Yeah, yeah. Just peachy" I responded as I began heading to the bunks
"G'night" Niall yelled

I crawled under my bunk covers, and began to doze.
About forty-five minutes later, I was awoken by my headache, which had worsened dramatically.
I felt both cold and sweaty, and my muscles ached at even the slightest movement.
"Urgh" I groaned, realizing that I was probably getting sick
"Harry? Are you awake?" I heard Louis inquire
"Lou? Sorry, I didn't realize that you were in here"
"Ah, yeah, just grabbing my phone charger. Sorry if I woke you"
"No no, you didn't. Do you uh, do you have any advil by any chance? My head hurts"
"Obviously" Louis joked. Since his accident he always had an assortment of painkillers on him at all times.
He opened my curtain, handed me two pills, and then paused to look at me.
"Jesus mate, you are looking awfully pale, aren't ya?" He noticed
"I'm okay, just a headache" I replied, not wanting him to know how poorly I was beginning to feel. Having Zayn rushed to the hospital was enough excitement for one night.
"Okay, make sure to tell us if you start to feel worse" he said as he pranced out of the room, charging cord in hand.

Louis POV

"Has Paul texted you anything about Z?" I heard Niall ask Liam as I reentered the living area of the bus
"No, nothing yet" Liam answered disappointedly
"Harry's feeling unwell" I informed them as I sat down on the couch
"Really? Just what we need" Liam muttered
"He said he had a headache before the show," Niall recollected, "has it worsened?"
"He just told me he only had a headache, but he's looking pretty peaky. I think he might be feeling a little worse than he's letting on" I said
"Okay, we'll just have to keep an eye on him. Did you check his temperature?" Liam asked
"No, but I don't think we should bother him now. Whatever it is he's probably just trying to sleep off" I replied
They both nodded and went back to their phone

We all turned around when we heard Harry come crashing out of the bunk room, and rushing into the bathroom
Liam immediately followed, while Niall and I stayed seated, processing what was going on
I slowly walked over to the bathroom, not wanting to intrude
Harry was kneeling on the floor, gagging into the toilet bowl, while Liam was crouched next to him, rubbing his back.
"Ugh mate, that's rough. Shoulda said you weren't feeling well" I commented
"Louis, can you check in my bag and see if I have any fever reducers? He's definitely got a pretty rockin fever" Liam asked, and I went to search his bunk.

In his bag, there were migraine pills and my painkillers, but no fever reducers.
I made my way out of our room as he was walking Harry over to the couch.
"Did you find any?" Liam looked to me as he laid Harry down
"No mate, I think we're all out"
"Urgh. Don't feel good" Harry mumbled
"We know Harry, we're gonna find you some medicine" Niall cooed, brushing the curly hair off of Harry's sweaty forehead
"Okay, can you go find me a thermometer?" Liam requested, and I once again was off
I came back, thermometer in hand, and Harry was hysterically laughing
"Woah, feeling better already?" I asked as I handed Liam the thermometer
"I feel great, Louis!" Harry exclaimed
I looked to Niall, who had concern etched into his expression
"Okay, Harry, can you open your mouth for me?" Liam asked, crouching down in front of him with the thermometer in hand
"No. Get away from me. Stranger danger" Harry yelped, crossing his arms
"What're you talking about? We just need to take your temperature" Niall confusedly told him
"Harry, come on, I need you to open your mouth" Liam encouraged
"No, I want my mom" Harry yelled as he began to cry
He was changing emotions at rapid speed, and I knew it must've been the fever messing with his head
Liam then practically forced the thermometer into Harry's mouth, done putting up with his feverish antics
"103.2. Niall, can you convert that to celsius?" Liam announced
"Oh my god, that's 39.5" Niall exclaimed
"Okay, we need to cool him down. Louis, can you help me lift him? Niall, run a cold bath please" Liam ordered

Liam and I picked Harry up, and carried him to the bathroom. He didn't make this task very easy for us, as he kept trying to wriggle out of our grip.
As soon as we deposited him into the bathtub, he began to cry again
"Shhh, Harry, it's okay. We're just trying to help you" I cooed
"C-cold" He shivered
"It's just for a few minutes Harry, you'll feel better soon" Liam told him, running his hand through his hair
"Niall, can you go grab us the thermometer from the other room?" I asked, knowing that we would have to check Harry's temperature again before we got him out of the tub
Five minutes later, Harry was much less delirious, and feeling the effects of his illness
"Urgh" he groaned
"What hurts, Haz?" I asked him
"Head. And 'm cold" He moaned as he tilted his head back, resting it on the side of the tub
"Open your mouth for me, Harry. Let's take your temperature again" Liam instructed as he inserted the thermometer into Harry's mouth
"What is it" I questioned, attempting to peer over his shoulder
"101.5. What's that in celsius?"
"38.5" I responded, plugging it into a converter on my phone
"Okay, just a few minutes more" Liam encouraged Harry, who was now covered in goosebumps

After another eight or so minutes, Harry's temperature was back down to a safer 37.5.
"Okay Harry, let's get you dressed and to bed" Liam said as he put his hands under Harry's arms, preparing to lift him
"You did well, Harry" I encouraged him as I ruffled his hair
He just chuckled and rolled his eyes, obviously feeling much better than before

Once Harry was tucked in and drifting off, Liam and I met Niall back in the living area
"Never a dull moment, huh?" Niall chuckled under his breath
"We just can't catch a break," I murmured. "Do you think we should text Paul?"
"No, Harry's okay. Paul's just dealing with Zayn, I assume neither of you have heard anything from him yet?" Liam said
We both shook our heads, worried about poor Z.

We all eventually dozed off on the couches, not wanting to awaken Harry by entering the bunks.
Fortunately, when Liam went in to check Harry's temperature again at around 4am, it was back to a normal 36.
At around 5am, Paul texted us, saying that Zayn would be alright.
We then were finally able to fall asleep - for real this time - knowing that both of our unwell brothers would be okay.
Niall really was right when he said 'never a dull moment' I thought to myself as I drifted off to a peaceful sleep

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