Zayn Hospital

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Liam POV

The next morning, we were awoken by Paul coming onto the tour bus at around 8am.
"Boys, what're you doing sleeping on the couches?" He asked
"Well hello to you too" Louis muttered groggily, sitting himself up
"Harry had a fever, and we didn't want to wake him up" I explained
"And you didn't call me? Have you checked his fever yet today? I was coming to bring you guys to the hospital, but if he's sick I think some of you should stay behind with him"
"He was feeling better when he went to bed last night. I can go get him now" Niall said, getting up and heading to the bunks
"How high was his fever?" Paul continued, going into father mode
"Pretty high. What was it Li, 39.5?" Louis looked at me
"39.5!" Paul exclaimed, "You guys really should've called me"
"We had it handled. We rung him up a cold bath and got it down to 36-something. We didn't want to worry you" I reasoned
Harry and Niall then entered the room, and it was obvious Harry was feeling much better
"Harry, how are you feeling today?" I asked
"Good. My headache is gone"
"I'm going to have to take your temperature before I take you to the hospital," Paul said. "Can someone go get me a thermometer?"
"I'll grab it" Niall said and he left the room
"Is Zayn okay?" Harry asked, having not received the rundown on his condition from Paul
"He's doing alright. He's been having a much easier time breathing these past two-or-so hours" Paul explained
"What happened last night though? Like why did he just shut down like that?" Harry pressed, remembering Paul saying something about shock while we waited for the ambulance
"When he fell he broke a few ribs and that caused him to puncture a lung. He might've been okay if he hadn't continued performing, but the stress he was putting on his body sent him into shock" Paul replied
"Oh," Harry replied
Niall handed Paul the thermometer, and he inserted into Harry's mouth.
"Okay, you're good. You four grab some breakfast before we head out. I'll meet you outside" Paul ordered as I headed to the kitchen to prepare some toast.

The car ride to the hospital went relatively quickly, especially considering that we had all four of us crammed into Paul's tiny rental car - we didn't want to tip off the paparazzi that one of us boys was in the hospital, so we couldn't go in a limo or the bus.
"Hey Z!" I greeted as I walked into his room
"Hi guys" He said softly but raspily
"You gave us a right scare last night, mate" Louis exclaimed, settling himself down on a blue plastic chair
"'M sorry" he mumbled as I ruffled my hand in his hair
"How long are you stuck here for?" Niall asked
"Only 'til tomorrow the doc said," Zayn said. "Gotta get this tube outta my chest first"
He pulled the blanket down, revealing a small tube that was wrapped up in bandages
"What's that for?" Harry inquired
"Keeps oxygen from getting stuck in my chest cavity and my lung collapsing again" Zayn casually explained
"Jesus, you really did a number on yourself yesterday, didn't ya?" Niall remarked
"Apparently I've got some pretty cool bruises on my back too. Haven't gotten the chance to see 'em yet though"
"I'm just gonna step out for a second, lads" Louis said as he stood up. "I'm feeling a bit woozy"
"Oh, sorry. Was it 'cause I pulled my blanket down? I'm sorry, Lou" Zayn apologized as he pulled the blanket back up
"No, no. Just the concussion messing with me a bit. 'M alright, happens often" Louis stated, leaving the room
"I haven't heard him complain of nausea in weeks" I noted, looking around at the boys
"He threw up a few days ago, it was just the two of us on the bus" Niall recollected, "The rest of you were recording or something"
"Nearly fainted last Thursday when he stood up from the couch," Harry remembered, "I honestly just think he hit his head that hard during the crash. I mean, I mentioned it to Paul and he didn't seem concerned"
"Oh, okay" I said, though I had a rather uneasy feeling about the subject matter. I told myself that it would be alright though, as I knew Louis had his follow up appointment soon, and if there was anything wrong it would be addressed then.

Twenty-or-so minutes later, Louis returned, just as a nurse was kicking us out so she could remove his test tube.
"Anyone fancy getting some lunch?" Niall asked, though it wasn't really a question as he had already begun heading towards the cafeteria.

Louis POV

My head was pounding as I heaved into the toilet.
I hadn't been sick this violently in a few weeks, and man I did not miss it.
Finally, after what felt like forever, my stomach stopped churning, and I leaned against the bathroom stall door. I know it wasn't the most sanitary thing I could've done, but I honestly couldn't have cared less.
My head was aching, as well as my back - despite having my brace on - and I was just so goddamn tired; Tired of the constant head and backache, that just wouldn't seem to go away, no matter how many painkillers I took.

Eventually I knew I had to go find the boys so they wouldn't be too worried about me.
When I got back, they were all exiting the room.
"Hey Lou, the nurse is just going in to take out his chest tube" Liam explained
"Ah okay" I replied
"Anyone fancy getting some lunch?" Niall suggested, and all the boys began heading down the hallway, following signs to the cantine.
"Lads?" I called, and all three of them turned around. "I think I'm just gonna head back to the cubicle where Paul is. I've got myself a pretty good headache"

I walked to the curtained cubicle, and sat waiting outside as I could hear Paul on the phone with whom I assumed was management.
"What do you mean you're rescheduling the appointment?" Paul brusquely spoke into his cell.
He obviously was very unhappy about something - I just didn't know what.
"No. You can't do that. Louis is seriously injured, you have to understand that. He needs this appointment"
Was management moving my follow up appointment? They couldn't do that, right?
"No, it might not be just a concussion. They said they couldn't tell last time, he needs more scans. No, no, no. I don't give a damn about the contract, it isn't right to put money above his health" He paused briefly, allowing the person on the other end of the line to speak.
"Are you forgetting that he had surgery on his spine too? We need to make sure everything is healing correctly. The doctor was adamant about him coming in a month's time to evaluate how he's healing - it's been a month. No, no. The end of the North American leg? That's in five week's time!"
Paul's volume was rising, making it easier for me to understand what he was saying.
"I know that we have had to cancel too many concerts and recording sessions. The appointment is only an hour, he can spare an hour. Five weeks is insane, we can't just risk his health like that. No, he's not better; he's still having headaches and dizzy spells. He needs to be checked out" Paul was practically begging at this point.
Finally, Paul huffed and hung up the phone.

I waited a minute or two before entering the cubicle, just so he wouldn't be suspicious that I had been eavesdropping.
"Hey Louis, what's up" Paul greeted as I walked in. If I hadn't heard him speaking on the phone, I would never have guessed he had just gotten into an argument with management.
"I've got a headache" I moaned, walking over to him
"Okay, have you taken any medication today?"
"Yeah, I've taken two paracetamol and three advil" I recalled
"Jeez, it's bad today, huh?" He asked, trying his best not to look too concerned
"Think it's 'cause of the late night last night. I was sick in the bathroom about half an hour ago" I informed him
"Alright. I can't give you any more meds, but I think you should try and rest for a bit" He said, signaling me to sit next to him on the examination table
I leaned against him, and quickly fell asleep.

Harry POV

We all spent the day with Zayn, going back and forth between joking around and cuddling him.
Louis never came back to the room, and when Paul came to check in with us, he said that Preston had taken him back to the tour bus.
The more I thought about it, I realized that Liam had a point earlier; Louis really didn't seem to be getting much better.

Unfortunately, the next five weeks were probably going to be the most hectic of our career, as we had cancelled nine shows to make up in addition to all the scheduled ones. Moreover, we had a new album to record.

That night, we all made the most of the commitment free night, knowing it was our last for the foreseeable future.
We had only performed three out of 100-something shows at this point, and I just had a feeling that this tour was going to be exhausting.

A/N: This chapter isn't my best, but it is sort of a filler anyways! The next will be more interesting. x

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