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Paul POV

I sat down on my bed beside a nearly-asleep Louis, he cuddled into me.
The events of the past four days were finally beginning to hit me.
Louis had nearly been killed, and we still weren't 100% sure of the extent of his injuries
Liam hadn't slept in days, and just seeing injured Louis made him physically ill
Tomorrow the boys had to fly to LA, and I had no clue if Louis would be able to handle a flight, let alone an interview on live television
Not to mention how the camera flashes and yells of the paparazzi had caused Louis to faint, and there was no way for us to avoid them
It was all becoming too much, so I turned the TV on as a distraction

I flipped through the channels, and stopped when I came to one that was talking about One Direction

Yesterday, after three agonizingly long days, we received news on the condition of One Direction superstar, Louis Tomlinson. Word got out on Sunday that the singer was injured when they cancelled a NYC concert with nearly 80,000 fans already in the stadium.
One of Louis' bandmates, Liam Payne, alongside tour manager Paul Higgins informed the fans at approximately 8:15pm, fifteen minutes after the show was set to begin, that Louis had been rushed to the hospital in an ambulance. Higgins was seen arriving at a nearby hospital around 9:30 that same night. The remaining four 1D heartthrobs were pictured entering the hospital the following morning at 6:00AM.
According to the official One Direction twitter account, Louis had been in a golf cart crash backstage, where he sustained a spinal cord injury that required surgery. Pretty scary if you ask me!
This morning Louis was discharged from the hospital.

They flashed a picture of Louis leaving the hospital on the TV screen.
Seeing that, I turned the TV off. I didn't need to be reminded of the effect the paparazzi had on Louis.

Just then, my phone rang with an incoming call from Sandy.
"Hello?" I asked as I answered
"Hey Paul. Where are you?"
"I'm in my hotel room with Louis. Is Liam awake?"
"He just woke up panicking. He won't talk, and I'm struggling to calm him down. Is there any way you can come to his room? I have Zayn here too."
"Of course" I said, gently removing Louis' head from my side and laying it onto a pillow. "I'm on my way"
"Okay. Hurry." Sandy said as he hung up

I rushed down the hotel hallway, and fumbled for the correct key as I reached Liam and Zayn's room.
I unlocked the door, and as soon as I opened it, I could hear Liam hyperventilating
"Liam, Liam" I said and I rushed over to him. "Breathe buddy, you're alright, just breathe"
"C-can't" He gasped
"Deep breaths, Liam" Zayn encouraged as Liam glanced at him desperately
"L-L-Louis" He choked out
"He's okay Liam" I cooed
"N-no he he crashed"
"He did Liam, but he's alright"
"He-he's dead" Liam wheezed
"No, he's okay Liam, he's right down the hall. He's just asleep"
At that he seemed to slowly start to calm down. His breathing was starting to sound more like actual breathing, and I was no longer worried that he wasn't getting in enough oxygen.
"Sorry" Liam muttered after a few minutes
"No Liam, don't apologize. It's not your fault" Zayn chimed in
"Can I see him? I just need to see him" Liam asked, looking up at me with teary eyes
"Of course Liam. He's asleep right now, but how about you come over in twenty minutes? He'd love to have a cuddle with you" I replied, rubbing my hand on his back
Liam nodded as he leaned into Zayn, who was now sitting next to him.

I got up to leave after reassuring Liam once more that Louis was okay, and then headed back to my room.
When I entered the room, shock filled my body as I saw the motionless boy on the floor.
"Louis? Louis? Louis?" I sputtered as I rushed over, falling to my knees by his side. "Goddamnit Louis" I murmured while gently shaking his shoulder
"Louis? Can you hear me? Are you alright?"
"'M okay"
"What happened Louis?"
"I felt sssick and I threw up innn the bathroom and I got dizzy and couldn't findd the bed" He said, slurring slightly
"Okay mate, take it easy" I said as I undid his brace to examine his back for obvious injuries. All of his sutures were still in place, and I sighed a breath of relief. "Can you move your fingers, Louis?"
Louis responded by wiggling them
"Okay, good lad. How about your feet?"
"Mhm I'm okay Paul, I promise" Louis said as he moved his feet in a circular motion.
"Okay Louis. You scared me there for a minute"
"I'm sorry" He replied, obviously becoming more alert
"Don't apologize, it's not your fault. I'm going to stay here with you from now on, I just had to deal with a little Liam situation. Do you think you're okay to sit up?"
"Yeah, yeah. I'm alright, I'm alright. Is Liam okay?" He asked as I helped him into a sitting position and buckled his brace.
"He had a pretty decent panic attack. He's been losing sleep. Seeing the crash messed him up a bit, but he'll be okay"
"Shit. It's my fault"
"No no no. Louis, you were the one who was injured, it's not at all your fault. He loves you, and I think it just really scared him when it happened, it scared us all actually"
"I just feel bad, I've caused all this trouble" Louis rambled on
"Louis, look at me." I interrupted, "All we care about right now is you, and making sure that you're safe and comfortable. That's our main focus. So, how about we get you back into bed so you can rest, and I'll have Liam come down here and hang out with you? Does that sound like a good idea?"
"Sounds alright to me" Louis replied as I helped him up and began walking him over to the bed.

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