Louis Hospital / Recovery

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Niall POV

It had been hours since we were dropped off at the hotel, and we hadn't heard anything from Paul. For all we knew, Louis was dead.
When we arrived here, we all decided that we would spend the night in Liam and Zayn's room because none of us wanted to be alone. Harry, Zayn and I tried to talk a bit and lighten the mood, but Liam didn't say anything.
We were tired, exhausted, actually, but we all were too afraid to sleep in case we received any news on Louis.

Finally, at around 5am, Paul texted Harry, 'On my way back to the hotel.'
"Did he say anything else?" Zayn asked
"No. That's all" Harry replied disappointedly
"I mean, that could be a good thing, right?" I said, trying to be optimistic
"What do you mean Nialler?" Harry asked
"Well, if something was seriously wrong with Lou, then he would probably call us. Or he would stay at the hospital and have Preston, or Andy, or Sandy come talk to us."
"Or he might want to tell us that Louis' dead or something in person" Zayn blankly responded
"ZAYN" Harry exclaimed. "Louis is strong, he's okay. Paul said he was already doing better when the ambulance came"
"Oh yeah? He said he could move his fingers. His fingers. He wasn't doing better, he was still fucking paralyzed" Zayn argued
"Dude, I'm trying to be optimistic here. Louis could've died, be grateful" Harry bantered back
"Reality check Harry, he could be dead. And if he's alive but paralyzed, would that really be any better? We all know Louis, he wouldn't be happy living like that. We aren't a band without him, and let me tell you, the chances weren't looking too great when he couldn't remember his own goddamn name" Zayn yelled, now in tears
"PLEASE STOP ARGUING. Please" Liam begged, the first words he had said since we got back to the hotel

We all looked at him

"Y-you guys weren't there w-when it happened" he sobbed, "you d-didn't see him dive through the windshield. I w-went up to him, andandand his eyes were closed and I thought he was dead. And t-then Paul screamed at me n-not to go near him and I-I felt so helpless"
Liam was now hysterical. He was always the one to comfort us when we were upset, and now he was the one breaking down.
"Then P-Paul checked to s-see if he was breathing andand t-that he had a pulse. He didn't s-say anything except h-he told S-Sandy to ring for an am-ambulance. H-he had me help move him to the floor and I-I thought he was d-dead. He was c-completely limp and li-l-lifeless. I thought he was dead, I thought he was dead" Liam bawled

"Liam, mate" Harry cooed, scooching over to Liam and wrapping him up in a hug
Zayn and I joined in on the hug. We were all crying at this point and in need of comfort. How had a little harmless fun before the concert gone so wrong?
After a couple seconds we pulled out of the hug.
"When he woke up," Harry started, "we couldn't understand anything he was saying. It was all nonsense and he wouldn't open his eyes. They pinched his legs and he couldn't feel anything. It was the first time I'd ever seen Paul look genuinely scared"
"D-do you think he's gonna be okay?" I croaked as I heard the hotel room door rattle
"I don't know. I don't know" Zayn whispered

Paul POV

I got into Zayn and Liam's room to find all four boys huddled up on the floor in tears. They all immediately looked up at me, obviously distressed.
"Awh. Boys," I consoled as I sat down on the floor next to them
"H-how's Louis?" Niall whimpered, looking up at me with glossy blue eyes
"He's alright. He's gonna be okay" I whispered calmly
They all looked at me, obviously waiting to hear more
"He's out of surgery. He had some bleeding in his spinal cord. That's what caused the paralysis," I explained
"Why couldn't he talk? Why couldn't he remember his name?" Harry beggingly asked
"It's alright Harry, it's okay. He's very concussed, I assume from hitting his head on the plexiglass windshield. He hit it hard enough to shatter the thing, he's lucky he didn't break his neck."
The boys all nodded, taking in the information that I had told them.
"When can we go see him?" Harry asked pleadingly
"Well, I'm assuming that you lads haven't slept any; so if you promise that you will come back to the hotel for a nap this afternoon, we can go visit Louis now."
They all nodded desperately, as if they didn't get to see Louis right at this very instant, they might never see him again.
My phone chimed as we were about to leave with a text from Preston
Louis awake - He's drifting in and out, very lethargic but doesn't seem to be in pain

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