Liam Broken Ankle

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Louis POV

It had been nearly three weeks since Zayn's fall, and it was safe to say that we had been very busy.
In the beginning, I could hardly make it through half of a concert, but I'd gotten more used to the bright lights and screaming fans, and last night I was finally able to stay onstage the entire time.

Now, the lads and I were all leaving a meeting with management about our next album, and getting ready to head to the recording studio.
"So, I was thinking about what they were saying in there," Harry began, "what do you think the name of the album should be?"
"I feel like Change Your Ticket would make a good name" Liam suggested
"Or what about Where Do Broken Hearts Go" Zayn added
"No, no. We all know that Act My Age is the best song, why not name it after that?" Niall said
"You're just saying that 'cause you're Irish and you wrote it" Zayn bantered
"Stockholm Syndrome?"
"Night Changes?"
"What do you think, Lou?" Harry asked me
"Oh uh, I dunno" I shrugged. I couldn't concentrate on brainstorming, and my brain was beginning to feel a bit fuzzy.
"I know, I know, how about Four?" Niall piped up jokingly
"Actually," Liam said, "I kinda like it"
"And we can put it in capitals, and underline it" Niall suggested
"That might actually work"
We got to the top of a staircase, when I was overcome with a feeling of lightheadedness. I made it down two steps, but the world kept spinning faster and faster. I could tell it was Liam next to me, so I attempted to get his attention.
"Li, Li" I mumbled
He stopped on the same step I was on.
"You alright Lou?" He asked, but it sounded like he was very far away
"Gonna faint" I whispered as I felt myself falling.
Then everything went black

Liam POV

As we made our way down the stairs to get to the car, I noticed how Louis suddenly stopped.
"Li, Li" He murmured
"Are you alright, Lou?" I said, noticing how pale his face was getting
"Gonna faint" he replied softly
Just as I reached out to grab him, his eyes rolled back and he began to fall
His weight pulled me forwards, causing my ankle to give out, and we both tumbled down at least ten stairs.
As we fell, I did my best to maneuver Louis, so he was on top of me, and not impacting on each individual step as I was.

"FUCK" I heard someone yell as we came to a still
"Don't move him, Liam" Harry cried as he came rushing down the staircase
"Did he hit his head?" Zayn asked frantically, putting a hand on Louis' shoulder
"I'll go get Paul" Niall yelled, turning around and running back up the stairs
"Zayn, help me get him off Liam" Harry said, and I felt the two of them lift some of his weight off of me
"Careful of his head" Zayn reminded as they laid him down onto the floor
I sat up, and watched as they examined Louis, looking for any obvious injuries

I groaned, reaching out to touch my pulsating ankle. It had already begun to swell.
"Li, are you okay?" Zayn asked, shifting his focus from the unconscious Louis to me
"No" I groaned, squeezing my eyes shut in a futile attempt at lessening the pain
"Shit, what hurts?" Harry said, coming over to me and placing a hand on my shoulder
"Ankle. I rolled it when I fell" I replied. The pain was unbearable, and I was trying my hardest not to cry.
"Is Louis awake?" Paul asked as I heard him and Niall rushing down the stairs
"No, he's been out since he fell" Harry explained, glancing back over at Louis
"Okay, did he hit his head?" Paul asked, kneeling beside him
"We're not sure" Zayn stammered, the stress of the situation getting to him a bit
"No, he didn't. I caught him. He was on top of me the whole time. He never hit the stairs" I managed, struggling to get words out
"Okay. Niall, can you go find water and a towel," Paul ordered, then shifted his attention over to me. "Liam, can you tell me what hurts?"
"My ankle"
"Alright, I'm going to have a look. This may hurt" He said as he reached out and gently lifted my foot
"Argh, ah" I groaned as pain shot up my entire leg and tears filled my eyes
"Just breathe, Li" Harry cooed
"I think it's broken, Liam. Try not to move it. Once we get Louis awake, I'll take you to the hospital, alright?" Paul said, moving back next to Louis
"How bad is it?" I asked Harry, and he moved closer to my foot
"It's pretty swollen..." He examined
"Urgh" I grunted, maneuvering myself so I was leaning against the wall of the stairwell. "I saved Louis. At least I saved Louis" I repeated, trying to make myself feel better about the whole situation
"You did, Liam. We're all really grateful. Really proud actually" Harry cooed

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