Zayn Collapsed Lung

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Niall POV

It had been six days since I had been discharged after my appendectomy. We were currently on the bus, driving to our concert venue in Phoenix.

"90 minutes guys!" Harry called, excited to be back performing
"Oi Harry be quiet. My head hurts" Louis moaned in response
"Sorry Lou. Lemme try again. 90 minutes guys" Harry whispered, rather aggressively. "Was that better?"
"Mmm much. Thank you" Louis said, closing his eyes and pressing his head into the couch cushions.

It'd been nearly two and a half weeks since Louis' accident. His headaches were constant, but he was getting a bit better at remembering things. He also was hardly complaining about his back anymore, though realistically, we all knew that he was still in a lot of pain. - for God's sake, he fractured two bones in his spine.

Zayn, Liam, and I decided to play a bit of FIFA as a pastime, while Louis snuggled into Harry's side - I swear, sometimes even the rest of the boys and I think they're a couple.
"Yesss!" Zayn exclaimed, jumping up from the couch as he scored a goal
"Congrats Z, you've scored your first goal" I teased, Zayn rarely played with us, and when he did, well let's just say he wasn't the best
"Oh shut up man. I'm good at this and you know it"
"If you say so..." Liam responded, rolling his eyes
"Hey Lou?" Harry asked, shaking Louis' shoulder. "Louis, are you okay?"
Liam, Zayn, and I looked over.
"What's going on, Harry?" Liam asked, standing up and walking over to him
"He's zoned out" Harry puzzled
"Louis? Can you hear me?" Liam pushed, lightly tapping Louis' cheek
After another second or two, Louis blinked and lazily looked at Liam
"Are you okay, Louis?" I piped up
"I feel weird" He mumbled
"What do you mean? Do you feel sick? Like pukey?" Liam was now in Daddy Direction mode
"No. Just off. Kinda fuzzy"
"What happened? Why'd you blank out?" Zayn chimed in
"When?" Louis asked, leaning into Harry and closing his eyes
"Hey, Louis, stay awake. You just totally zoned out on us" Harry told him
"Oh. I don't remember that"
We all looked at him with concern
"Can I go back to the bunks? I'm really sleepy" He then asked
"Just hang on a second, we want to make sure you're okay" Liam replied
Louis leaned his head against Harry and began dozing.
"That's the second time that's happened..." Zayn noted
"When was the first?" Liam asked
"At the LA hotel. You weren't there, you had just gotten back from the doctors. It was the day my appendix decided to act up, the exact same thing happened." I explained
"Really? Does Paul know?" Liam continued
"He was there the first time," Zayn began, "but we should probably mention that it happened again"
"Yeah, I think we should" Harry joined in. "He has a follow up doctor's appointment for his back in two or so weeks, and they're probably going to evaluate how he's recovering from his concussion. We should make sure Paul mentions these blank episodes"
"Yeah. What're we, twenty minutes away now?" Liam said, checking the time on his phone. "We can tell Paul once we get to the venue"

When the bus arrived at the stadium, Paul and the security team were already waiting for us.
Paul came onto the bus to help get Louis situated in his wheelchair.
Although Louis was becoming much more mobile, he was still very prone to dizzy spells, and we did not need him falling or fainting before the show started.
"How are you feeling today, Louis?" Paul asked, helping him stand and walk over to the wheelchair
"Tired and headache" Louis groaned
"Alright. Did you take your painkillers this morning?"
"Can't remember" Louis mumbled, closing his eyes
"He took two. When was it, four hours ago?" Liam said, looking around at us for confirmation
"Okay. Harry, can you go get him one more and a glass of water?" Paul requested, and Harry obviously obeyed.
He returned a couple seconds later.
"Here you go, Louis" he said, holding out the pill and a cup of water
Louis reached for the cup, but as Harry let go, it slipped through Louis' fingers, falling to the floor and shattering.
"Louis!" Paul groaned as Liam went to grab towels to clean up the mess
"I'm sorry. That was really weird, my hand wouldn't work" He replied, looking down at his hands
"What do you mean your hand wouldn't work?" I asked, now all of us were a bit concerned.
"I'm not sure. My fingers just didn't want to hold the glass up. My whole hand's kinda tingly"
"Can you squeeze my finger?" Paul said as he held out his pointer
Louis did his best to squeeze it, but was obviously quite weak.
"Is that the only thing that's bothering you?" Paul continued asking questions
"Yeah," Louis answered
"Okay. If anything else happens don't hesitate to tell me"
Soon Liam was back with towels, and Zayn brought Louis a new cup of water and helped him drink it.

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