- fourteen

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ah yes, i almost forgot! hyunjin's recruited to be a model for fennec fox's makeup products!

it's today.

kinda overwhelming for hyunjin since a lot has happened since he came working for jeongin. jeongin was some kind of magician for changing his life into something way exciting.

also not to mention that he's falling for the younger male. it's all too fast for hyunjin.

but anyway, jeongin is driving with hyunjin all the way to the photo studio— where all the models will go. they arrived, and a lot of the models were already getting shoots and getting ready, while hyunjin just arrived.

"j-jeongin, were we late?"

"not really, we just start a bit later than them. don't worry." jeongin assured hyunjin and guided him to the dressing room for the older to prepare.


the photoshoot was almost done and jeongin couldn't stop staring at hyunjin. he looked so beautiful at every second. photoshoots where he even crossdressed, that even stylists were astounded by how good hyunjij looked in the dresses.

a staff member under fennec fox was looking at hyunjin and asked jeongin. "mr. yang, where did you find this guy? he's absolutely stunning. can he keep modeling for us in the future?"

"actually, he's my housemaid. i don't think i can let him in a second job because cleaning the house and photoshoots will be too much for his own body to handle. but i can allow him to quit his current job if my father wants hyunjin to be a model for our products, i guess." jeongin shrugged. that would mean he'll have to find a new maid to work for him if hyunjin's gonna quit.

it'll be a difficult to find a decent maid who wouldn't come in his house just to try and get it with him, eri and hyunjin were like diamonds to find. he sighs, thinking of accidentally recruiting weirdos.

"andddddd done! good work everyone!" the director of the photoshoot yelled, signing that everyone had to clean up and get ready to go home.

hyunjin sighed in relief and exhaustion. he didn't thought it would be this tiring photoshoots can be. jeongin went up to him, nudging his shoulder gently. "you alright? you kidna look tired."

"yeah, a lot. i want to go home and sleep, jeongin."

"you will, just change your clothes. i'll see you in the parking lot, okay?" jeongin smiled, waiting for an answer.

"oh, sure. see you."

"see 'ya too."


"how was the photoshoot, hyunjin? was it fuuuuuuuuun?" eri asked, wiggling her eyebrows as she went inside her and hyunjin's room.

hyunjin and jeongin came home, the older immediately going to his room and lie down. he didn't even bother greeting the others.

"it was, very tiring though. how do models put up with their job, that was super exhausting!" hyunjin closed his eyes, ready to sleep.

"you seem exhausted alright. i'll leave you to sleep! you owe me a night of cleaning!" eri said as she left the room to take care of dinner and the others.


everything went smoothly for the next three months for hyunjin and the others.

hyunjin's face was everywhere as the makeup products was selling amazingly. however, hyunjin chose to keep his maid job even though jeongin's father offered him a job to be a model. his reason was he wasn't ready for such a job and want to keep it low at the moment.

yes, he wants to be a model, just not ready for it. maybe someday he'll be a model. we'll never know in thr future.

hyunjin and jeongin have been talking to each other like what your usual maid-and-boss relationship with no romantic contact. it was quite disappointing for the others that there was no spice or good story coming from them. but again, it was for a good cause.

for eri, no progress or sign with her friend getting together. she was fine with it though. she likes her friend a lot, but not craving for somethinf too romantic.

chan and seungmin? oh yes we love progress! they've been gotten closer and closer everyday. chan starts to think less of seungmin as a nuisance and more of a better person.

but, jeongin will do a certain action that will definitely change something. wonder what could that be?


hi, mary here! i'm baaaaack!

i just wanted to know if you guys want more info about the other characters other than hyunin, eri, chanmi, chan, and seungmin? because i haven't explained or introduced the others properly yet but they won't be really shown in the story. (i think) y'know, minho, jisung, felix, and changbin?

because if you do, that would add a good 3-5 chapters to the book.

but if you don't, i'll be able to finish the book quicker.

i want to finish this book because i want to publish another one :) which leads to another subject! i wanted to publish a seungchan fanfic for sooo long! way before i even thought of mr. yang's maid lmao 😭

it's probably not going to be too popular because,, chanmin ain't really famous like other ships </3 but as ling as someone comments, i don't really mind lol

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