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            "Magnus Bane," Hodge told the six Shadowhunters. "He's over three hundred years old. And as you can see, he's not exactly shied away from the pleasures of every century." Cassie looked at Regulus beside her and back at the screen with a smirk. Magnus was totally his type. "His tastes are both exquisite... and quite excessive."

            "He looks like the Downworld's David Guetta," Clary spoke.

            "Guetta's already a Downworlder." Isabelle chimed. Regulus laughed. "Vampire?"

            "Ever seen him in the daylight?" Regulus joked. Cassie chuckled from beside him.

            "Can you guys focus?" Alec reprimanded. "This is not a joke."

            Regulus stifled his laughter and signaled to Hodge to continue. Isabelle, however, had another thing in mind. "Someone needs to get slayed." Regulus burst out laughing.

            "Alec's right," Hodge said sternly. Isabelle and Regulus composed themselves. "Magnus is one of the most powerful warlocks I've ever known. He has a deep mistrust of Shadowhunters."

            "Well, then why did he help my mom remove my memories?" Clary asked. "Isn't she a Shadowhunter?"

            Cassie hummed, bringing attention to her. "She probably paid him, right?" She turned to Hodge who nodded in agreement.

            "Magnus most likely provided a service for Jocelyn," He explained. "One that she paid him handsomely for."

"Warlocks usually require payment before they help anyone with anything," Jace added, now taking a seat.

            "Word from the Clave is that most of the warlocks have gone into hiding since Valentine began hunting them," Alec said.

            "Valentine must be searching for the Warlock," Hodge muttered. "Where did Jocelyn—" His Circle rune burned, cutting him off.

            "Hodge, your rune," Clary stated the obvious. "You okay?" Hodge nodded. "So, how do we find Magnus?"

            "We don't," Jace said simply. "Magnus finds us. We'll set up a meeting, somewhere protected. Lure him out of hiding."

            "And we know exactly where to do it," Regulus stated, sending Izzy a wink. Isabelle stood from the table where she was sitting and grabbed the tablet from Hodge's hand. After a few taps and swipes, the image was cast onto the monitor.

            "A Downworld rave," Jace spoke. "Nice, guys."

            "Where'd you get that?" Alec asked his sister.

            "During my surveillance of the Downworlders." Isabelle sighed. "From what I hear, Magnus likes to party."

            Cassie bit her lip in contemplation. "He'll never go for it." Alec and the blonde spoke simultaneously. She nodded at him to continue. "Not with Valentine trying to kill him."

            "Of course he will." Jace differed. "He'll blend in. Hide in plain sight."

            "I don't know, it seems—" Clary tried to add.

            "Trust us," Regulus spoke, now standing beside Izzy and throwing an arm around her shoulder. "If Magnus is coming out of hiding, he's going to one of the biggest parties of the year."

            "Never underestimate Magnus' hedonism," Hodge added. "Or his greed. Come with me."

            Hodge led the group to a tile which he was unlocking with his Steele. Under it, was a ruby necklace.

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