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Later that night, Cassie decided she should talk to Clary. After all, they were technically sisters, and only acknowledging it after she saved her life was making her feel icky. The blonde stood by the redhead's doorway, Jace was exiting her room. The other blond Shadowhunter sent her a small smile.

Cassiopeia shook off her nerves and knocked on the door. Clary turned to look at her.

"Hey." Clary said.

"Hi." Cassie breathed out. "Can I come in?" Clary nodded. "You were great tonight." She complimented. "And I'm sorry for being such a bitch to you." Clary shifted uncomfortably on her bed. "You're just trying to find your mom, she's the only thing you have left. I get it."

"You do?"

"My parents died a couple of years ago." The blonde explained, taking a seat on the edge of the bed. "I have five other siblings, not including Reg." Clary nodded. "I lived with them for a while, jumping from house to house until they decided to send me here." Cassiopeia sighed. "Reggie was supposed to stay back in Idris with our oldest brother, Percy, but he told him he wasn't leaving me alone."

"Why are you telling me this?" Clary asked.

"Because, want to or not... were technically sisters." The blonde chuckled. "And I want to be on at least okay terms with you." The redhead smiled. "Anyway, the point is... I get what it's like to have no one. The people that were supposed to love me abandoned me, and if I were in your shoes I'd be doing whatever it takes to try and save the one person I have left."

"Is that why Regulus is your parabatai?"

"Regulus is the one person in the world I'd do anything for."

"Him and Alec."

Cassie laughed at the redhead's comment. "Is it that obvious?"

"Just a little bit." Clary teased. "But you saw what we did. You're the person he loves most. Go be with him!"

The blonde smiled sadly. "I wish it were that simple."

"Why isn't it?"

"Shadowhunters, especially ones from well-known families—"

"Like the Lightwoods?"

"Exactly. Well many of them don't have the privilege of marrying or even being together for love. Most of the time it's just business."


"Yeah, but enough about that." Cassie smirked. "So... Jace huh?

"Shut up."

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

"He spoke to you?" Jace asked the redhead. Apparently, Clary had seen Valentine through her necklace. He spoke to her. Jace glanced at Cassie.

"Don't look at me," The blonde shrugged. "I was out for a few seconds when I heard her scream."

            "He said my name." Clary muttered. "He said your mother for the Cup."

            "Who said that?" Alec's voice was heard by the three. Their heads whipped around to face him.

"Valentine." The three breathed out.

"He's with my mother." Clary said.

"And he can speak to you through that necklace?" The brunet approached them. "Here, in the Institute?"

"It's like when I saw Dot." The redhead explained.

Cassie's face contorted into one of realization. "It's a portal shard."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2021 ⏰

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