Chapter 25: Myliey

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It's 10pm. We're in Lisha's car driving to the police station and I'm already falling asleep. It has been such a long day, and I really cannot be bothered to sit around in a police station for a couple of hours at this time of night. I don't know what in the world they can possibly want, and if it really is that important, surely they don't need all of us to come.

We are asked to go straight into an office with about 5 police officers in, and I can see that there's handcuffs on the table as I'm peeking through the little window that's built into the door. The officers look so professional and honestly quite intimidating. What have we even done?

Lisha is in front of me and Kyron and Jamie are walking behind me. I really do not want to stay here for long- as I said before, I'm exhausted. Despite not being particularly friends with either of them, I hope that Brooke and Ash are okay. We still don't know what they went through that night, but I want them to recover quickly- mentally and physically. We walk into the room where the police officers are and take a seat. My heart is racing. Kyron looks pretty scared too, and so does Jamie. But no one looks as nervous as Lisha does. She has sweat dripping down from her forehead and she's shaking. She's going pale and her legs are trembling. Honestly, she looks like she's going to pass out at any minute. She sits down but her nervousness doesn't stop. In fact, she looks even worse than she did when she was stood up. Jamie and Kyron have calmed down a little bit and so have I. It's still very scary though- I'm sat in a room with 5 police officers who all have loaded guns. And it's not like they're just BB guns either- they're huge sniper-like weapons.

"So," one of the police officers says, slowly putting his gun down flat on the table, "You're probably wondering why we have asked you all to come here."
I want to say yes but I have a feeling that I will probably get shot if I talk.
"In fact, you three children can go. We just need Lisha."


So I came out to the police station at 10 o'clock at night for no reason at all? What does this man mean?
"Excuse me?" I say. I'm not even bothered if I get shot at this point. I'm just extremely annoyed. "Where do you want us to go?"
"Home." He says with a dead smile and he picks up his gun again and points it to the ceiling. Okay, now I'm scared.

We leave the room and of course I lead the way. "What was that all about?" Jamie says.
"Are they trying to give us PTSD?" Kyron asks.
"Look! I don't know! I don't know why you're asking me anyway, I know as much as you do."

We walk up to reception and I ask the receptionist what we're supposed to do.
"Um, I'll ring a taxi for you," she says. She's a nice lady, she's just a tad bit annoying at times. We see her more often than you would think, too.

"Are we going to die?" Jamie asks through gritted teeth. We're in the taxi now, and the driver seems pretty dodgy. "I don't know," I whisper back, "but I know karate." Jamie lets out a little giggle while Kyron just sits there showing no emotion. I think he misses Ash, but  I don't know. Anyway, we're picking her and Brooke up from the hospital in the morning, so that should be fun for him. Shoot- How are we going to get there? Lisha's in the police station so unless she comes home by tomorrow, we're going to have to take another dodgy taxi. Ugh.

We arrive home safely (surprisingly) and I'm going straight to bed. I can't believe that we were made to go out to the police station at this time of night, only to get sent back home! I don't really care what happens to Lisha either- it's not that I like her. She's quite a jerk actually. I may spend most of my time with her but the truth is, I don't like her. I'm only made to go with her in group projects, walks, etc, because I fall out with the others a lot. It's pretty stupid to be honest.

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