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Word Count: 1721

It's beyond strange, seeing Cian standing in the centre of my room.

He's awkwardly tall in here, and otherworldly. Just him standing here makes the furniture around him look mundane, to the point I'm almost embarrassed to have him in here. More than that though, I'm absolutely terrified. The last time I saw him outside of his cell, he took me to the immortal realm.

"I didn't mean to scare you," he says softly, stepping toward me. I match is back, unease. "But I think we should talk."

"Get out of my room," I whisper, aware of Lev on the other side of the door, and the immortal standing right in the middle of my room. After I've been ignoring him for so long, I'm scared at the idea that he is here for retaliation.

Cian doesn't move, although his expression softens. Despite the fact I don't want him in my room right now, I have to admit that he looks especially beautifully tonight. Surrounded by my mortal belongings, he looks otherworldly and magical, and not just because of his golden roots and clothing that he has changed since leaving his cell.

My mouth is suddenly dry.

"Would you like to talk elsewhere?" he offers, motioning behind me through the window. I shiver, the breeze coming through icy cold.

"I have nothing to say to you, Cian," I tell him firmly, trying to keep up my facade, although I doubt I have much choice but to cooperate with him now.

"You were gone for awhile," he breathes, not looking as though he wants to leave. I step back again, but now my back is pressed against my bedroom door. "I thought you had quit your job, as I recommended."

"I was away, taking a break," I reply, rubbing the back of my neck warily.

"You shouldn't have returned," he mutters darkly.

I draw in a deep breath, trying to regain some composure. Seeing an Immortal Sin standing in my room is disarming, and now I can't tell whether he is threatening me or not. If I back down and agree to leave my job, I'm betraying Stace and Noah. But at the same time, I imagine that if Cian really demands I quit, I may not have much of a choice.

"You don't get to tell me what to do," I demand, although my voice shudders slightly. I can't speak too loudly, not wanting to involve Lev with any of this. I can only imagine his reaction. "Now leave."

"Why are you working there again?" Cian questions, shoving his hands in his pockets, ignoring my request for him to leave.

"I need a job, and right now it pays me better than any other job would," I reply, hoping he doesn't see through my lie. The job I'm doing right now is technically for the money, he just doesn't need to know what that job is exactly.

Cian tilts his head back and forth, considering what I'm saying.

"I own may businesses that would hire you and pay you far more than Stace would ever offer you, if you wish to work," he offers.

My eyes narrow, unsure of what his angle is with this. Why does he not want me to work for Stace so desperately? There is no way I want to work for Cian anyway, to owe him anything. At least in working for Noah, I'm doing him a favour, helping him disable a man's overwhelming power.

"What do you know about Stace?" I question, folding my arms over my chest, narrowing my eyes.

He raises a dark eyebrow at me, eyes glittering. "What do you know about Stace?"

I pause, not wanting to reveal my hand. It shouldn't be hard to lie to him, because in truth, I know nothing about Stace, and why he is involved with everything. Cian knows, it appears, the way he is looking at me right now the biggest indicator of that. His eyes are curious, a hint of amusement touching his lips.

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