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Word Count: 1572


Staring down into my teacup, I wait.

I've agreed to meet Stace here, in a random coffee shop somewhere deep in the Harmony Pack. It took a lot, but I managed to convince Cian to allow me to meet him on neutral ground. And Cian is far away too, meaning I'm going to have to trust Stace in order to have this conversation.

Soon enough, the glass door of the shop opens, and in walks Stace.

Immediately I can feel all eyes draw to him, as he ducks his head under the doorway, approaching the table I sit at. His tattoos, his eyes and the obvious power emanating off him is enough to garner curiosity, and some equally uncomfortable looks.

I wouldn't be surprised if patrons start to get up to leave.

"You wanted to talk?" He draws a chair out, falling into it casually. My hands tuck under the table as I try to not let him see that I'm shaking.

"I'm assuming you know Noah is dead?" I hate that I sound so flippant, as if his death doesn't effect me at all. As far as Stace is concerned, it won't have, and I'm happy for him to think that. Him knowing the death of my enemy has bothered me so much will only make me look weak in his eyes.

His hand comes up to his mouth as he considers me. "Hmm. Was it you?"

"No...Cian did it," I admit. I could have killed Noah, had I not been caught off guard by his admission. Had his death been at my hand, I don't think I would be so well recovered by now.

"I'm surprised. Despite despising each other, they often mutually agreed to stay out of each other's way," Stace muses, looking out the window. Everything in the Pack still continues to run, oblivious to the fact that their Alpha has been killed. I'm not sure who is running the place now, but that's an issue for once Stace has been dealt to.

I take a sip of my tea. "Noah came to kill me, so don't act like it wasn't deserved."

A smile tugs at his lips. "I never said he didn't deserve it."

My eyes narrow. I wish I could understand Stace. His motive is buried deep behind those expressionless black eyes, unable to be grasped. His intentions with Noah, with Abella and now with me are what I need to get out of him, although I doubt I'll have much luck. He clearly enjoys being the enigmatic one.

"Okay...Then tell me where Abella is," I demand.

"You mistake me for someone Noah trusted. If Abella is, in fact, alive, then I have no idea where she would be," he shrugs, motioning around himself as if she could be mingling with this crowd right now.

I drag my eyes over everyone's faces. Even though I don't know Abella, I'm hyper aware of everyone, as if it's realistic she would be here right now. "Are you not magically capable of sensing people? Surely you can track her."

He tilts his head back and forth. "It's not so simple, Amolet."

"Make is that simple," I snap.

Stace leans forward, bracing his elbows on the table as he looks at me. My attempts not to shift uncomfortably under his scrutiny are failing. There's not many places on his person that I can look at and not be terrified. I settle instead for right in the centre of his forehead, where a few dark curls rain down.

"Or what?" he breathes. There's a threat laced in his tone.

"I can kill you." I'm not even sure if I can use my powers on him, considering he's not from this Realm, but I'm not willing to find out right now, when I'm supposed to be getting answers out of him about Abella.

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