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Word Count: 1547


It takes me a long moment to gather my thoughts.

Standing in front of me, is a girl I've never met in my life, and yet feel like I know far too much about. She's slightly taller than me, hair pulled back behind her, striking blue eyes examining me with as much scrutiny as I am examining her.

"Abella...What are you doing here," I question, looking down at Kace, who has been successfully knocked out. Abella rests the bat against the wall, as if it took nothing at all to take him down. I'll admit, I'm impressed.

"I don't exactly have much time to explain. We should get away from here, though," she exclaims, brushing past me and to the front door. She doesn't seem frantic, but it's obvious that Kace will wake eventually, and the further away from him we are when that happens, the better off we will be.

"You...Are you dead?" I ask, having to remind myself that I'm technically dead now, which means in order for her to be standing in front of me right now, she must be too.

It's not exactly like it's a shocking revelation, considering we were told Noah killed her. I was just holding onto hope we were wrong about that. It would hurt my heart to look at him, but she seems to be doing just fine right now.

"Technically yes, but I don't actually belong here," she mutters, opening the front door to look out into the hallway.

I frown.

"What do you mean?" I ask. I can't decide if I'm relieved to see her, since I don't know anyone in a place that could be huge - I don't know yet. I may not know her, but we have something big in common, and right now, it seems she is the only person I can trust.

She motions for me to follow her out into the hallway, so I do so warily, unsure of what we are going to come across outside of my assigned apartment. "You know Stace, right?"

Even the mention of his name rouses anger inside me. He is the reason I am here...He snapped my neck, and now I'm dead and an Immortal. If I ever get to see him again, I'm going to try use my powers, regardless of whether he is from another Realm. And if it works, I'm going to kill him, and I'm not going to feel bad about it.

"He killed me," I mutter as we descend down a flight of stairs, no windows around to reveal what waits for us outside.

I can still feel Stace's hands on me, the feeling as he took my life...

"Well I'm from his Realm. So was Noah..." she explains, opening the door to the apartment.

Outside, nothing is all that much different from anything I've seen before. It's similar to the city Lev and I lived in back in the Mortal Realm, just with far less definitive features, and every building here looks the same. The street we step onto is almost completely barren, no one walking around despite the fine weather.

"Did Noah kill you?" I have to know whether I was right about it or not.

"Yes," Abella mutters, crossing the street, leading me through narrow alleyways. The lack of any sign of life is unnerving. How Abella found me, I have no idea, but I have a feeling I would be very alone if she didn't. "He brought me here, wanting to preserve my soul, as there is no afterlife in the Realm I'm from.

"Why would he do that?"

"He wanted to use my magic, have it for himself so he could continue being an Alpha," she notes, shoving her hands in her jacket pockets. "He wanted to kill Immortals."

"But you're mates." I still can't wrap my head around that. How can someone be so detached to kill their own mate? That alone should have killed him, and yet he walked around like it was no issue at all. With Cian in mind, I couldn't even think about that....

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