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Word Count: 1701


Everything is still and peaceful for a long moment.

"This is Greed's mate?"


Feeling slowly crawls back into my limbs. I can feel myself laying down, the softness of a bed beneath me. My mind is buzzing, trying to sort through a haze of fog, my memories stolen from me. And yet I don't feel any pain. The feeling is nearly euphoric, as if I'm floating, nothing able to touch me, to get to me.

"Look, no one said Fate has the best taste."

Someone is talking from a distance, perhaps in a room next to the one I'm lying in. I would open my eyes, but I can't bring myself to, concentrating instead on the horrid taste in my mouth, and the unfamiliar lilt to the two speakers. Are they talking about me? I think I heard one of them mention Greed's mate.

"So Sinful killed her?" the male voice asks. Something about that accent is strangely familiar...Am I hearing Vengeance Pack?

"No, that guy that isn't from this Realm, the Immortal Realm or the Mortal Realm," the female voice mutters, sounding bored. She is talking about Stace, clearly, and by the sounds of it, isn't very impressed by him. "I believe he wants her here so he can deal to things with the immortal's without her intervention."

My eyes are suddenly open.

"He's intimidated by her?" The male voice snorts.

"it doesn't make sense to me either, but she's stuck here now."

I'm in a small, non-descript room with nothing more than a bed. Looking down, I'm dressed in plain pants and a shirt, which I'm sure I don't own. Kicking my feet out from the covers, I notice the door is ajar, the strange voices coming from beyond.

"Cian is going to try come for her." The male voice sounds urgent now. Cian, my mate. Oh no...He's probably wondering what's happened to me. I mean, I don't even know what's happened to me. My last memories was of Stace's hands on either side of my head...

Before he snapped my neck.

"He can try, but she's not going anywhere," the woman snaps. "She can serve her sentence like anyone else."

I'm dead. I've been killed, meaning I must be...Wait, where am I?

Getting to my feet, I approach the door, flinging it open to reveal the two figures standing in the hallway. "Who are you? Where am I?"

Neither of them startle at the sight of me. Not that they look like the kind of people to startle. The woman is tall, long, sleek black hair cascading down her person beautifully. Although her eyes are the most captivating, being a smoky, silvery colour. Whoever she is, she's stunning, but terrifying.

The man next to her is also tall, with dark hair and eyes, tattoos covering his forearms and biceps. Definitely Vengeance Pack, like I presumed.

"My name is Death," the woman comments, looking over at me tiredly. Whatever she finds lacking, she doesn't voice it. "You're in my Realm now."

I look down at my hands, as if I'm going to see any change in myself. I'm immortal now. Not in the same way Cian is, but I'm immortal, which means I'm no longer welcome in the mortal realm...What am I going to tell Lev? What if I never actually see him again? Am I going to be stuck here forever?

"So I really am dead?" I whisper, pinching myself. It hurts. This is real.

"Your neck was snapped, so yes," the man drawls, rolling his eyes as if I'm the most foolish person he has ever had to deal with. My eyes narrow upon him. I'm tempted to snap back at him, to ask him what I should possibly know about this situation. I mean, it's not like I could have predicted Stace was going to end my life just like that.

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