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Alpha Isaiah is now on Wattpad! Go check it out (:

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Word Count: 1906

The sound of rustling wakes me before the sun has a chance to.

Sitting up, I rub my eyes, hardly aware of the blanket half draped over me, concentrating more on the knot that has gathered between my shoulders. Maybe I shouldn't have agreed to sleep outside on the couch, although I doubt I would have gotten much sleep had I been sleeping opposite Cian's room.

"Good morning," I hear from behind the couch. Looking over my shoulder, I spy Cian walking around the living space, clearly looking for something. "You coming."

I haven't yet had a chance to get my bearings, so for a long moment, I just stare blankly at him.

This morning his jacket is a dark colour, as usual, to match his pants. As the morning sun glides up across the cityscape from the horizon, a euphoric glow settles across Cian's complexion, his golden roots glittering, dark eyes swallowing all of the light. I only allow myself a moment to admire his appearance as my heart flutters incessantly.

"Where are we going?" I lower my eyes to the blanket, wishing I could curl back up beneath it for some more sleep. I'm not sure I'm ready to face whatever this day is going to entail.

"To meet another one of my siblings," Cian mutters, circling the couch to face me.

I sit up, eyes widening. Not only am I still dressed in yesterday's clothes that I slept in, but I'm not ready to face yet another one of Cian's siblings. The only reason Astro put up with me is because he owes Cian. What if this other sibling of his decides he doesn't want a mortal in his presence, and just kills me on the spot?

"Another immortal, you mean?" I ask meekly.

"This one will be far more accommodating toward you," he assures me, tone softening. "That much I'm certain of."

He sits down on the other end of the couch, a frown knotted between his brows. I sit up more, the certainty in his words suggesting it isn't a good thing that this immortal will be more accommodating.

"Why that look?" I question, narrowing my eyes pointedly.

He leans back on the couch, rolling his sleeves up. Once again, I look away from him, hating the flutter in my stomach every time I notice something about him that I hadn't before. I have to remember that all pure blood's are flawlessly attractive for a reason - to make their job manipulating far easier. How I feel when I look at him is likely how everyone feels.

"He's Lust," Cian mutters drily.

"How much of your personality is actually based off...You know that?" I shift uncomfortably on the couch, preparing myself for his answer. If he truly is the epitome of greed, then I should be terrified, although I'm aware that if he admits he is, it's not going to change anything.

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