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Word Count: 1767


I immediately panic, the sight of the empty cell consuming me in fear.

Slowly, I back away, gaze fluttering between the shadows to ensure he truly is gone, before turning around to run down the hallway. He's gone...Who knows when he did it, so he may be far gone by now, or he may still be in the facility. The thought of such a dangerous man having escaped breeds wild thoughts within my mind as I race toward the staff room.

"Renna!" I call out, pushing my way through the door to slam it behind me, gasping for air. Renna is in her usual place on the staff couches, feet kicked up onto the coffee table as she reads through a magazine. She startles, looking up at me as I rush in.

"Amolet, what's going on, are you okay?" she questions, getting to her feet.

"No, Cian isn't in his cell," I tell her breathlessly, bracing my hands on my knees. I have no doubt Cian could leave whenever he pleases, but he hasn't left in years, and he could be a danger to us and the rest of the patients. "The door is locked, but he's gone."

Renna immediately pales, tossing her magazine down. I doubt any of us know the true extent of his power, but having a loose immortal around when his mental state may not be completely stable is a danger to all of us...A very magical danger, which is all the more terrifying. Even if I've spoken to Cian, I have not reason to trust him beyond the bars of that cell.

"That's impossible..." she exclaims, moving toward the phone strung on the wall, picking it up before pressing it to her ear. "I'll call security."

"He's a Sin, no one is going to be able to do anything about this," I remind her.

She doesn't respond, speaking quickly into the phone to the security. I wait, tapping my feet incessantly, glancing up and down the hallways, looking for any sign of the immortal. I'm not sure what I would do if he did suddenly appear...I doubt I've established enough of a relationship with him for him not to kill me if I got in the way of his grand escape.

Renna appears beside me suddenly, done with her phone call. "That's why we are getting out of here while they find where he is."

"Can he not leave whenever he pleases since he isn't actually ill?" I ask her as we dash down the hallway to the exit. Renna looks mortified, even more desperate than me to get out of here. I spent an hour convincing Stace Cian could be trusted...Now I'm terrified of the idea of him being free.

"Well, clearly he is ill if he admitted himself in here and hasn't spoken a word since," Renna reminds me, opening a thick metal door for me to step through, locking it behind us. We run up the stairs, not bothering with the elevator.

"I don't think he will hurt us," I say, although I'm not sure I believe it myself. Cian can't be trusted, and as much as I don't want to admit that, I have to.

Renna glances at me, shaking her head. "I'm sorry, but I'm not taking that risk."

Renna and I sat outside the building with a few other staff members for a good hour while security scans the building. As I'm sitting on the concrete step outside, still dressed in my uniform, a figure approaches from down the street, mixed in with the rest of the crowd. I quickly realise it's Lev, who I called not long ago, needing someone to speak to about this.

"I got your call, are you okay?" he questions, coming to sit next to me on the steps. He's wearing his apron from the bookstore, golden waves pushed back, all tousled with the sudden onset of wind.

"Yes, I'm fine," I say shakily, unsure if that is true or not. Now that we are out in public I feel safer, but what is to stop him from hurting us, even out here? There are no consequences for an immortal with that much power. "We have been out here waiting to see if it's safe to go back in. A very dangerous patient has escaped."

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