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Word Count: 2251

The trek up the rest of the mountain was not easy. Stace could have at least left me with a jacket.

At last, my hand grasps the frosty front door handle of the cabin, prying it open. The heat emanating from the fireplace envelops me immediately, having me practically falling into it. I want to fall into the fur rug that I've kicked snow into, but I restrain myself, looking around the small cabin for any sign of the immortal.

Sure enough, he rounds the corner and into the small living space, taken aback by the sight of me before him, in only a short-sleeved shirt and pants.

"Amolet...What are you doing here?" he questions.

"Can I sit down? I feel like I'm going to collapse," I breathe, looking toward the plush couch that I would never imagine would look so appealing. I'm so cold everything is numb in and in pain, but the relief of the warmth of the fire is so satisfying it feels like my entire body is finally relaxing.

As I reach for the couch, my legs finally giving out from under me, and I fall onto the rug. Desperation is the only reason I managed to get up the hill in the freezing cold, so now that it is gone, my body is starting to feel the effects of everything.

Cian is at my side with immortal speed, wrapping a blanket over my shoulders, helping guide me back to the couch.

"Are you okay?" he asks softly, the tenderness in his voice soothing my nerves, but it's also surprising hearing him be so gentle with me, looking at me with his dark eyes like my health genuinely concerns him.

I'm just grateful he isn't angry that I'm here.

"I just walked up that hill," I shiver, wrapping the blanket closer around me. One of Cian's hands is pressed against my back over the blanket, the other on my knee. Even though I can't feel his skin, the weight of his touch does make my body alight with a confusing mess of feelings.

"How did you find me?" he asks, tilting his head to look at me. I try to ignore the way his dark hair flutters down his forehead, the golden roots shining beneath the light that swings above us.

"Don't ask," I sigh, not wanting to get into everything involving Stace. "Why are you here? You freaked out right in front of me then just left..."

Cian sighs, getting back up to his feet. The glow of the fire highlights him from the back as he stands before me, looking as though he doesn't want to divulge anything personal to me. I don't have to know, but I'm curious.

"You just dropped all that information on me," he mutters, rubbing the back of his neck.

"You should have stayed and talked to me about it," I tell him softly. I'm not sure what that would have looked like, Cian and I having a normal conversation seems like a strange, faraway concept, let alone speaking about Noah's dead mate who he apparently cares deeply about. Why else would be react the way he did?

"No, I needed to come here to decide what to do next." He paces back and forth, suddenly anxious. I just sit here, the blanket still wrapped over my shoulders as my body slowly begins to warm again.

My voice drops to a whisper. "What are you going to do?"

"I'm going to kill Noah," he mutters flatly.

Even though I anticipated that answer, my blood still chills. It's predictable, but why? If Cian didn't actually kill Abella, and expected someone else was behind it, why would he try kill Noah now, instead of when he killed Abella as well? Things are starting to not make sense in my head suddenly.

"You can't do that..." I tell him slowly. If he kills Noah, a whole host of issues are going to come up in place of it. Including the fact that I will no longer have an Alpha.

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