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Word Count: 1616

I kick my legs up onto the couch, lounging back.

This position seems to be the one I resume everyday after work, exhausted from the facade I'm having to keep up. At least in my apartment I can feel safe, where I can actually relax. Here, Cian can't get to me, can't say anything to me while I'm trying to work.

But that doesn't mean I don't have other issues to deal with...

Lev collapses onto the couch next to me, picking my legs up before letting them lay on his lap. We haven't spoken about what he said to me in the Passion Pack in over a week. I've been fervently ignoring it, brushing the conversation off whenever there may be a chance it will arise.

"How was work?" he asks, turning the television on.

"Huh?" I say, startled out of my thoughts. Whenever I look at him I feel guilty, knowing I'm avoiding the conversation. "It was okay. How was yours?"

"The same as usual," I admits with a shrug. "Did something happen at work?"

I follow his gaze, noting that he is staring at my injured hand, which has been properly bandaged. Instinctively, I pull it back, unsure of why I'm so nervous about mentioning what happened to him. Maybe it's because of how strange Cian acted when it happened, which is still lurking in my mind.

"Yeah, cut myself on a bit of plastic working with a patients pills," I tell him, the lie seeming to satisfy him.

"Did you speak to Cian?" he asks, gaze not lightening.

So much for avoiding talking about the immortal. I've been avoiding that too, not wanting to admit that it's been hard on me to do this job for Noah. Ignoring an immortal isn't easy, even if I despise him for what he did to the Alpha's mate.

"No, I've been ignoring him," I tell him simply. Lev tilts his head, looking relatively pleased with that. He would rather I just quit already.

"If you're going to work for Noah, isn't that a bad idea...I mean you want him to trust you, right?" he tests. I look at him, more so expecting him to tell me I should just give it up, working for Noah, since I know how much he doesn't want me to.

"He's smart. He will be suspicious if I suddenly start speaking to him like nothing happened..." I sigh, pulling my legs of Lev, getting to my feet.

"What happened?" Lev questions, his tone suspicious as I walk into the kitchen, getting myself a glass of water.

I breathe in deeply, not turning back around until I've drank the entire glass.

"Nothing Leven. Nothing happened," I assure him, walking back into the room with the intention of not talking about this anymore. I doubt I'll get my way though, as Lev looks over the couch at me, his cornflower blue eyes skeptical.

"Something sounds like it definitely happened," he exclaims. I watch his gaze drift down to the bandage on my hand. "Did he hurt you?"

I sigh, shaking my head at him, knowing that if Cian had any intention of hurting me, it would likely be more damaging than just a cut to my hand. "Aren't you the one who didn't want me to take Noah's deal?"

"Only if Cian is a danger to you, which by the sounds of it, he is," Lev mutters.

"He isn't, okay?" I tell him sharply, falling back down onto the couch beside him. He doesn't seem to question the small amount of distance I've now put between us, which has been a common move I've made recently to avoid any awkward encounters. "Now let's stop talking about this."

Mercilessly, Lev is quiet for a moment, focusing on the television in front of him. I watch him out of the corner of my eye as I pick my book back up, flipping it open. I'm grateful, as my thoughts are littered with Cian at every point of my day, so the last thing I want to do is talk about him right now.

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