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Word Count: 1848


The bed shifts as I gently crawl out of it, trying not to wake Lev.

Despite the information I revealed to Lev that is life changing for the both of us, he had no issue falling asleep. I, however, have spent far too long staring at the ceiling into the darkness, wondering what I'm going to do about my messed up life. Should I tell Cian, should I not tell Cian?

Now I've decided laying in bed next to a peacefully sleeping Lev isn't going to do me any good, and I'm more likely to lay thinking over actually getting any sleep.

Wrapping a cardigan over my shoulder, I emerge back into the living room, wondering I should risk a walk outside, but the moment I peer past the curtains, I notice a haze of rain fluttering over the city, my heart sinking. If Cian comes out of his room, he would be deeply upset at me for leaving without him, since the entire point of him being here is to protect me from Stace and Noah, even if the former may not be a threat any more.

Instead, I venture into the kitchen, only to see Cian standing with his back against the counter, drinking from a glass of water.

I flinch back, automatically wary of being alone at night with him.

Cian quirks a brow at me. "You should be asleep."

As a pureblood, he doesn't need sleep, I realise. I'm not sure what he does to keep himself occupied at these hours, but idly drinking water in the kitchen must be one of them. He's shirtless too, like he's been lying down in bed for a while, and drawn out of his room from his thoughts as well. I drag my gaze straight to the floor, not used to seeing him without his usual black garb.

"Lev talks in his sleep..." I mutter uncomfortably, opening the fridge distractedly, even though I'm not sure I want anything from it.

Before Sinful and Stace revealed to me that Cian is my mate, I could at least be around him alone and not feel like the world is imploding around me. Now, especially with him being shirtless, I'm hyper-aware of each of my limbs, in case there is a possibility that I may brush against his bare skin in passing.

"I got some news, figured I couldn't just lay around in bed and pretend as though it isn't going to haunt me," he sighs, setting his glass down.

"Everything okay?"

"Ira is ready to see us. I'm wary about her meeting you, but we need Hale on our side, which means we need Ira," he mutters, sweeping his hands back through his hair frustratingly, golden roots glistening. I shiver, not excited about the prospect of meeting another one of his siblings - especially one he clearly isn't fond of.

"Do you want me to stay out of it?" I ask anxiously. Even if I can hold my own against her, if I'm able to get out of having to face Ira, I'll take it.

"No, she needs to know why you're involved. She is just very unpredictable." The tightness in his voice is escalating my fear. Unpredictable how? Is it possible for me to walk into her home and be killed by her instantly? Cian can't kill her...Not when they are siblings and Hale is clearly attached to her.

"I can strangle her, if it comes to that," I remind him, flexing my fingers in front of me as if I can see the physical essence of my power. Cian watches the movement, brows furrowed, a troubled look in his dark eyes.

Cian turns, resting his elbows against the counter. "Let's hope it doesn't get to that."

My eyes drift down over his body, my mouth drying a little. It's unfair how physically perfect purebloods are to look at. I'm aware there's a purpose to it, that it makes mortals easier to manipulate, makes it easy for immortals to get whatever they want, whenever they want, but is it really necessary when they have all that power? And now this beautiful man is my mate? I can hardly believe it.

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