Chapter 10

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That evening the two of us could be found sitting on the sofa in our den with the TV on and Chinese take away containers in our hands. Both of us had changed into comfortable clothes a couple of hours ago when the sun had started going down.

Glancing up at Nathan to see him looking at the tv while his feet were up on the ottoman and my bare legs were over his lap. As I looked down to my container of chicken and rice, I could see Nath look at me in just my oversized black sweater that came down to the middle of my thigh. What I didn’t notice was when I picked up my chopsticks to take another bite of my food, he pulled out his phone and took a picture.

Looking up again I saw him tapping every so often on the screen of his iPhone and curiosity got the best of me.

“Whatchya doing?”

Waiting a second and pressing a few more things, he finally turned his phone to face me and a blush immediately crept onto my cheeks.

"Nath, really?" I laughed lightly as I looked up to his smiling face and back to the picture of me eating Chinese with my engagement ring glittering front and center that he had just posted to Instagram.

“Soph, really.” He answered mockingly as he leaned over and kissed my lips.

“I just can’t resist showing off my gorgeous fiancé to the world.”

I laughed lightly while shaking my head.

"Babe, I think you need your eyes checked if you think that I'm gorgeous while eating Chinese in my pyjamas."

"No, I see just fine. It's you that needs to be checked." He smirked as he reached over and took my take out container from me to put it on the coffee table.

"Which.... You should never put off a check up." He spoke as he stood up and I watched him oddly.

Quickly, he picked me up and tossed me over his shoulder before going up to our bedroom.

"Nathan James Sykes! What are you doing?! Put me down!" I exclaimed as he held me tighter while I wiggled around in his grasp.

Hearing the bedroom door open, I was tossed onto the bed moments after. Looking up at him, I couldn't help but smile as I saw his large smirk.

"The doctor is in...." He said as he wiggled his eyebrows and climbed up over me before pressing his lips to mine.

Nathan's POV

Laying in bed with my head resting on my hand, I looked down at Sophia sleeping soundly next to me. Her hair was splayed out on the pillow behind her as her lightly tanned skin was covered in one of my pullovers. It's hard to believe that she's mine and I'm hers, not officially but nearly. As much as I wish that I could lie there and stare at her forever, I had to do a few things.

Getting up carefully so I didn't wake Soph, I crept into the closet and closed the door behind me. Going to the very back, I pulled out the large Dolce suitcase that I had gotten her when she went on her first tour after we moved in together. Laying it on the floor and opening it up, I started looking for things to pack for her.

An hour later I had successfully packed... For myself. I may have taken on a little more than I could handle with trying to pack a bag for Sophia, so I had decided to FaceTime Siva to help, although he wasn't much help so he let me talk to Reesh.

"Oh my god Nath, she's going to love this! Are you packing because it's a surprise?" She asked after I had explained the situation.

"Yeah, problem is I don't know what to pack for her. For me, no problem, but for her it's a little trickier. I want people to look at her and see how beautiful she is, although I'm sure that won't be a problem, but I also don't want her to be hit on by every person there, ya know, 'cause she’s mine..." I replied as I mindlessly fiddled with a big fluffy pom-pom that was hanging from the key to the glass top of the jewellery case that was the surface of her vanity.

"Alright, well flip the camera around and let's see what I can do for you. We can start with shoes."

Smiling and nodding, I stood up and walked to where all of her shoes were lined up neatly with the heels facing out.

Finally, at half one in the morning Nareesha had successfully helped me pack a bag for Soph. After hanging up the call and zipping up the black suitcase, I rolled it out quietly and put it in the front closet downstairs. Coming back up and putting mine with hers, I went back up to our room and climbed into bed. A smile crept onto my lips as Soph rolled over and nuzzled into my side in her sleep as soon as I had gotten under the covers.

Watching her for a while longer, I couldn’t help but grin like an idiot the moment I heard her say my name in her sleep. Eventually I pressed a kiss to her forehead before wrapping my arms around her and finally going to sleep with thoughts swirling around my mind. The main one being how in God’s name will I be able to get Sophia up tomorrow morning to get to the airport on time….

Two Hearts (Sequel to Please Come Back Home) (Nathan Sykes Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now