Chapter 2

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“Sophia! Sophia! Over here! To your left! To your right! Behind you!” All the camera men yelled as I walked the twenty feet from the black Escalade to the revolving door of the record labels building.

I had a smile on my face as the cool spring wind blew my hair back and made me feel like a model.

'Thank god I'm having a good hair day today.' I thought to myself.

Waving to all the cameras, I walked into one of the slots of the revolving door and swiftly went around and into the building.

“Nice outfit choice…” Nano, my new day manager, said with a hint of sarcasm and a prominent smirk on his face as he looked at my striped and sheer leotard and turquoise skirt and started walking with me up the single set of stairs into the main lobby.

“I’m looking better than mister LA flip flops that I’m with.” I smirked as he rolled his eyes. “I’m only messing with you. I have to love the flip flops, I designed them.” I said with a wink before kissing his cheek and making a sharp left into a large windowed out conference room that was strangely empty.

“The shit I put up with working with you.” he said in his usual ‘Nano-tone’ voice, as I like to call it.

It was my turn to roll my eyes as I walked to the far end of the table and set my purse down while taking a seat at the head of the table. With my luck, just as I sat down my phone rang. Groaning, I opened my beige River Island bag and fished out my phone in it’s extremely large hard bunny case.

I decided to ignore reading the caller ID and immediately answered the call, something I had gotten accustomed to lately. However the voice on the other end wasn’t one that I was expecting.

“Soph! Thank god! Hey, I got her!” I heard Max on the other line.

“Max, aren’t you boys supposed to be on stage in Italy?” I asked slightly confused as I stood up and walked over to the windowed wall to look out at the London cityscape.

I heard him huff a bit before he replied.

“Yeah, ten minutes ago. But your little boy over here can’t do it cos, and I quote, 'he hasn’t gotten to hear your voice in three days'.”

I could tell by his voice that him as well as the rest of the boys had exhausted all other options and this international call was a last resort. Letting out a sigh of both sympathy and empathy, I turned around and leant against the normal wall that was running perpendicular to the windows.

“Alright. Put him on.”

I could hear the smile in his sigh of relief as he called Nathan over.

“Babe?” I heard him ask a bit shakily over the phone.

“Hey Nath. You know you should be on stage right now.” I said with a small smirk.

As I heard his laugh emanate from the phone speaker, I knew he was alright.

“I know. I just needed to hear your voice.” There was a pause on the line for a moment before he spoke again. “Think I could get a bit of motivation to do this show…”

It was my turn to hear the smirk in his voice as I thought for a moment.

“I’ll give you one word Nathan. Then you have to go out on stage.” I said gently but sternly.

“Deal. Now what’s the word?” I heard almost immediately from the opposite end of the call.

“Teddy…” I said seductively as my eyes brightened slightly knowing it would tease him a bit because it could mean quite a few things.

A half frustrated groan followed my comment before I interrupted.

“Alright. You got your word. Now give the phone to Max for a second and I’ll talk to you tonight on Skype.”

“Okay. See you later baby.” he answered before I heard some muffled voices followed by Max’s voice again.

“Thanks Soph. Couldn’t have done it without you.” Then he continued a bit quieter. “Will you ever tell me what’s in that box that you gave me for him?”

I laughed lightly before responding.

“Maybe. But we both know that he’ll be in his bunk tonight, so give it to him when he starts sulking.” I smiled at the thought of what Nathan’s reaction would be to my surprise.

“Just make sure he gets it a bit before we Skype tonight.” I added after a moment.

“You got it boss!” Max said jokingly. “Well I gotta go. I’ll pop in later to your Skype session to say hello.”

I let out a light laugh before nodding.

“Okay. Tell the rest of the boys I said hi and I’ll probably see them later too.”

“No problem.”

And with that I heard Max pull the phone away and start talking to everyone before hanging up. With a giant smile plastered on my face, I pulled my phone away and walked back to where I was sitting.

As I sat down and dropped my phone into my bag, I took a seat in my chair and only then caught sight of Nano’s disgusted face he was pulling.

“What?” I asked completely oblivious to what he was so weirded out by.

“Teddy…” he said in an awful imitation of me on the phone moments before.

I laughed at the way he said it for a moment before sitting forward and pulling my Fashionary out of my bag as I spoke.

“Oh, chill! It's not what you're thinking. I gave Max a gift to give to Nath when he got really down.” I smiled up at him for a moment as I opened up the pale blue cloth book.

Again with my luck, the door opened just as I picked up a pencil that was sitting in the middle of the long conference table. I dropped my head to the table with a groan before hearing a familiar voice.

“That’s a nice welcome…”

A/N Hello! I hope you're enjoying this sequel so far! I've come up with the idea that I'll post the next chapter once I get so many votes on each chapter. So this chapter I'm looking for three votes and then I'll post. -$^

Two Hearts (Sequel to Please Come Back Home) (Nathan Sykes Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now