Chapter 20

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Waking up the following morning, I rolled over to my right expecting to be cuddling into Nathan's chest. However, I was met with the cold sheets and the foreign sound of a crinkling piece of paper. Opening my still bleary eyes wider, I tried my best to focus on the black scrawled writing on the paper.

Morning Love, just ran to the shop to get some things for breakfast, so I'll either be out or in the kitchen xx ♡

Rolling onto my back with the note still in my hand, I let out a long sigh before pushing myself up and swinging my legs over the side of the bed. Pushing my feet into my slippers, I made my way into the en suite to brush my teeth and fix my wild bed head. As I looped my hair tie around my new ponytail, I wandered downstairs towards the sounds that were coming from the kitchen.

With each step from the foot of the stairs to the kitchen, there seemed to be a new scent that wafted past my nose. A smile placed itself on my lips as I stopped in the doorway of the kitchen to see my husband-to-be moving back and forth between a pan with a slightly bubbling pancake in it and a bowl of strawberries that the dogs were so fixated on, they didn't even acknowledge my presence. Watching happily for another moment, Nath turned around to get something out of the fridge before noticing me and grinning.

"Morning love. I made breakfast." He spoke cheerily as he abandoned his previous task to wrap his arms around my waist and give me a kiss.

"Good morning." I replied as I glanced over his shoulder to the now extremely bubbling pancake. "Um, babe..." I continued while pointing over to the pan.

I couldn't help the small laugh that bubbled up as I watched him race over to the spatula to try and flip the now burning pancake in time.

"Don't laugh! I'm not used to cooking while having the most gorgeous woman in the kitchen with me!" He shot with a cheeky grin at me over his shoulder as I leaned against the counter while watching him with a smile.

"My apologies, I didn't know that we had company." I smirked as I could practically feel his eye roll as I sat down at the breakfast table.

"That's because we don't..." He answered while setting down a hot cuppa in front of me along with a plate of pancakes and bacon.

"Thank you babe." I smiled up at him as he leaned down and gave me a quick kiss.

"You better eat quickly because I have a day trip planned for us."

"To where?" I looked over at Nathan with a confused expression as he sat down across from me with his own breakfast before he started eating.

"You'll see later." He grinned, making me huff childishly as he was being secretive.

An hour later I came down the stairs all dressed in some dark jeans and a white tee with my pink satin bomber jacket over my arm and a pair of pink and silver Miu Miu plimsolls on my feet. Shrugging my jacket on as I walked into the kitchen, I narrowed my eyes as I saw Nath standing there with a grin on his face while holding up the keys to my Porsche.

"Why have you got those out?" I quizzed while nearing him as a smile tugged at the corner of my lips.

"Because this is what we're driving." He smirked as I stood there in shock.

"You mean... You brought it over?" My eyes went wide as he nodded to my question before I immediately ran to the door to pull it open.

Sitting there in the drive was my original baby, my one and only (besides Nath), my sleek, dark grey Porsche 911. I couldn't help the squeal that escaped me as I ran out to see it in all it's vanity plate and convertible glory.

"I can't believe you did this!? When did you bring it over?!" I exclaimed as I circled it quickly before stopping at Nathan's side as he had walked out to join me.

"It's actually been in a garage here for a week, but I wanted to wait to tell you so we could take it out today."

I couldn't help but fling my arms around him, hugging him tightly before letting go and kissing him.

"You are the absolute best." I whispered as our faces were still centimetres away from each other.

"Thank you love, but how about you wait and see where we're going till you give me anymore praise."

I could only nod as I practically floated back into the house to grab my jacket and bag before coming back out and getting into the driver's seat. As I slipped in and shut my door Nathan had just finished typing an address into the sat nav that was out in Oxford. It was a drive that would take us around an hour and a half, maybe two hours if traffic was heavy. Still, I was slightly confused as I plugged the keys into the ignition and shifted into gear.

"So are you going to tell me why we're driving out to Oxford?" I quizzed once we were on the A40.

With a quick glance over to him as he was fiddling with the radio, I just caught his slight smirk while he stayed silent, causing me to huff childishly.

"You'll see soon enough love..."

A/N - Okay, I know that it's been a little over three months since the last update, and I want to say that I am so sorry! I've been caught up with applications for school and trying to get visas and housing and everything in order so I don't end up somehow stranded 4,000 miles away from home. Anyways, thank you to all of you lovely people who have stuck with this story and I hope you enjoyed this part! xx -$^

P.S. - Check out the external link on this chapter to see Sophia's outfit xx

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