Chapter 3

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I laughed as I picked up my head from the table.

“Well, Holly, you know that’s what I’m all about…” I said playfully as I stood up and walked to the doorway to give her a hug.

She just laughed as we hugged before pulling back.

“So how are… Damn that rock is just as big as you said it was…” she exclaimed mid sentence as she took my left hand to get a closer look at my pink, princess cut, Harry Winston diamond engagement ring that took me off the market.

I just laughed at her reaction before pulling her over and sitting down at the end of the table.

“So how did he do it?” she asked excitedly.

I looked at her with a curious smile.

“Do what? Propose?”

She nodded furiously and I opened my mouth to start just as everyone started piling into the room.

“Sorry we’re late. The secretary and I got a bit caught up…” Scooter said matter-of-factly as he sat down at the opposite end of the table and Holly got up to make room at the table.

With a smirk on my face, an eyebrow raised, and a questioning tone in my voice I asked cautiously.

“Scooter, aren’t you married to the secretary…?”

Everyone broke out in laughter at my comment though Scooter quickly quieted them down.

We went through our meeting and listened to the finalized tracks for my album and talked about some things. As we listened to the music, Holly stood behind me as I was sitting down and we held hands to dance to the music. Well, as much as we could dance like that.

After what felt like just a half an hour, even though it had been closer to two hours, the meeting was finished and everyone was leaving. Holly took a seat again since Nano said it was alright as he had booking and Nano type stuff to do.

“So…?!” she asked again like a child on Christmas.

Laughing I started telling her.

“Well we went up to the lake house that they all share as a vacation home. He wanted to go up there for the extended holiday weekend. I agreed and we dropped Harry off at his mum’s before going up. We enjoyed the few days that we got to spend together and on the last night he wanted to break out some wine that was there. I think that we probably went through a solid three bottles together and about two thirds of the way through the night we were spooning on the sofa.”

As she nodded vigorously, it encouraged me to continue.

“At the time I was wearing the different ring, the stackable ones and all those, and as he was tracing over each of my fingers lightly, he said ‘you really like these rings don’t you?’. I nodded in reply as I smiled slightly drunk and he reached back before holding this one in front of me.” I continued my story as I wiggled my ring to her.

My mind started drifting back to exactly how it happened as I told her.


I gasped softly as I saw the sparkling ring in front of me.

“It would look nice right here, don’t you think?” he said with a slightly teasing tone as he held it up to the back of my ring finger of my left hand.

All I could do was nod in agreement as my mind spun.

“Too bad it can’t go there unless you’re married or engaged.” he continued musing while flipping the ring around between his fingers.

“Mhmm…” I hummed softly in agreement.

Then he stopped moving it and held it out so we could both see it. Suddenly I could feel his warm breath next to my ear as he whispered.

“Unless you would do me the honour of becoming Mrs. Nathan Sykes….?”

My hand went up to my mouth as I turned my head to look at him in surprise as he wore a nervous smile while waiting for my answer. Nodding my head in just the slightest way, he skillfully slipped the perfectly fitted ring onto my finger before kissing me.


Holly let out a childish sounding sigh like a little girl watching a princess movie ending.

“That’s soooo adorable! He’s such a cutie!” She squealed.

The almost shrill sound made Nano cringe as he worked on his computer and mumbled.

“It runs in the family….”

We laughed lightly before saying in unison, “We aren’t blood relatives.”

The look on his face said it all. The wide eyes, the drained colour, the raised eyebrows, and the flared nostrils were enough for us to know we had thoroughly freaked him out for the day.

I heard my phone ring just as Holly’s did, the difference being that mine was for an interview reminder and hers was for a text.

“Ooooh… Is that the secret lover?” I teased.

The love struck look told me I was dead on before she replied and put her phone away while standing up.

“I have to go, but remember that we have dinner tonight at Americana, eight p.m. sharp! I’ll see you tonight.”

Before I could answer she had given me a hug and walked out while waving to me through the glass.

“Looks like I’m going to dinner tonight.” I said to no one in particular.

A/N Yay! Holly's back! And she's brought someone new with her... Who do you think this secret person is, and we're still waiting to see what's in the box for Nath. So three votes till the next chapter! -$^

Two Hearts (Sequel to Please Come Back Home) (Nathan Sykes Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now