Chapter 8

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"This is a mixed gender tag team match. The challengers Seth Rollins and Harley!"
Seth went first showing off his MITB briefcase gaining a few cheers in the sea of boos. Following him I smirked and strutted my way down only to find out who we were against.
A peppy looking Brie was standing by the ropes next to a bored looking Ambrose. Me and Seth had this in the bag.

Me and Brie squared up whilst Seth and Dean argued outside the ring, as the bell rung I sweeped her feet out from under her and she hit the mat, causing Dean and Seth to turn around.
Brie took her sweet time getting up so I clotheslined her, and rolled out of the ring to break up the fight between Dean and Seth.

"Seth leave him he's trash, not worth it outside the ring." Seth stopped and got on the apron.
"I'm trash?" Dean started coming toward me. "look at you princess, you're no better." he sneered.

"4!" The red yelled at me.

I was red faced and ready to slap him.

"Leave him harls, he's trash remember." Seth sneered.

I jumped into the ring and grabbed bries hair slamming her against the mat, tiring her out.

"Harls let me at him." Seth was eager to get his hands on Ambrose.

So I high five him into the match but Dean was ready and waiting and met Seth with a harsh clothesline and then picked him up and threw him down.
"Come on Seth!" I yelled frantically from the side lines but he was getting pummelled by Ambrose.

Dean left Seth lying on the ground and came over and whispered in my ear.
"Meet me in my locker room after i win this."

I smirked and said back "if you win Ambrose... if."

And with that he picked Seth up by the hair followed by a dirty deeds, getting the win. He completely forgot about Brie slumped in the corner and jumped out the ring and looked at me and winked.

"Uggghh, Seth you know what you're useless." I groaned and went into the ring to help him up and walk into backstage.

"What was that?" Stephanie said annoyed.
"I put you up against both your rivals and you're half asleep!"
"I'm tried with Brie she's pathetic." I said bored looking around and taking a step away from Seth.

"Seth what about you and Ambrose?." She asked him as he still caught his breath.

"I want a re-match." Seth smirked still clutching his head.

"Fine. Harley your playing valet for a day."
I groaned and walked off.

"Hey where are you going?" Seth yelled after me.

"Uh...the loo." which instantly made him back off.

I finally reached his room and stood outside, taking a deep breath and opening it.


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