Chapter 5

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"Harley, please sit down." Stephanie said motioning to the chair in front of her desk.

"That little stunt you played with Seth, I assume to annoy Ambrose, was uncalled for and unscripted." She said shuffling papers around. Expecting her to be mad I started to think of a defence but she surprised me when she said
"But we liked it. You seem to have good ideas and as we've finished the Ambrose-Rollins rivalry a while ago it would be interesting to re-vamp it. What do you say?" She asked me, looking directly at me.

What have I got myself into?
"I uh.. sure. Why the hell not." i sat up and crossed my legs, looking right at her.

"Ok. We're going to announce you as a new member of The Authority, you'll be like a protégé of mine." That made me sit up. As irritating as she was Steph was in power and this was a big jump.
"You will become Seth's love interest, then we'll bring Dean in to make a love triangle. In the end who you choose is up to you."

"What have I done to deserve this?" Puzzled as to why they've chose me.

"I like you Harley, you've got attitude and we need that." she smiled.
"Now get out of my office."

A permanent grin now on my face, I felt like I could take on the world.
I walked into my room and closed the door behind me, turning around to get my bags I was met with a still red faced Ambrose.

"What the hell Harley?" He grunted getting up.

I rolled my eyes. "What Dean?"

"Look I get you're trying to prove something and whatever if you're not part of the 90, but seth? God I thought you had taste." he said rudley but smiling.

"Excuse me? I'm not yours Dean I can kiss whoever I want." i protested.

"That's the thing Harls. You're not mine." At this point he was moving closer to me, pushing me against the wall.
His forehead now against mine he said quietly,
"But I wish you were, I like you, we both know there's something here."

"Dean I-" I put my hands on his chest about to push him away but he grabbed my wrists and forced my arms up against the wall, now completely flat against the wall he had me right were he wanted me. He had his face right next to mine his breath in my ear. He slowly let my arms down and put his hands on my waist, sending shiver down my spine.

"I like how you react to me, even if you don't want to." he whispered.

I was speechless.

He moved away from me and headed to the door, leaving me still at the wall.

"Think about it." he said not looking at me and leaving the room, closing the door behind him.

Damn. He had me where he wanted me the whole time! I'm in charge and he's forgotten that, time to remind him.

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