Chapter 21

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Uhh so like. Were in a dream like state cuz Yamada is sharing w Miyamura. So it's Miyamura's pov, but from Yamada's body. Cuz Yamada is thinking of his convo from the day before. U get it? :D okay enjoy now.

Also TW: Homophobia :(

Miyamura's pov

The first memory sent is one with Yamada facetiming his mom,

"Hey mom I wanted to tell you something."

"What is it now? Did you get kicked out of class again? Who should I apologize to?"

"It's nothing bad. Not every time I call means something is wrong."

"I know sweetie, I'm tired, my shift is almost over. Sorry. What did you need to tell me?"

"Umm... I'm dating someone."

"What- I, Oh my gosh my Ryū is finally dating someone. Who is she? Is it that smart blonde girl you hangout with?" She asks her face beaming in the thought of her son finally getting bitches.

"She? Uhh- he's not a girl."

"What-. He..." She says, her face flopping into a frowning expression. "Ryū you're in a relationship with a man?"

"Yah, is something wrong with that."

"Who is this man. Do I know him?" She asks keeping that sadder expression.

"Oh ya you do. He's my friend Miyamura, remember he was trying to be the student council president before and I helped him, remember?"

"Him. That boy... I thought he was smart. Are you sure you're dating him?"

"What do you mean by that- He asked me to be his boyfriend and I said yes? Is that not sur-,"

"Well, that doesn't make any sense. You have never shown interest in Men before so why-"

"I have tho, I just didn't tell you."


"Is something wrong mom?"

"Of course, something's wrong Yamada. How will I have grandkids?"

"You can still have grandkids- even in a gay relationship?"

"But that's not how it's supposed to be- people will hate you. They won't accept you."

"I mean- they already don't. I don't care about what irrelevant people think about me."

"I- Ryū, this isn't how I raised you."

"Bruh- uhh, sorry?" Yamada says squinting to show that he has no clue what she's so angry about.

"It's not normal, Ryū."

"Wait what-,"

"I told your father letting you live alone was wrong. Now you have let the devil enter your mind and corrupt you."

"Mom what are you even-."

"You're disgusting. What you're doing, what you're claiming to be is gross. You aren't gay, you're to young to know what you're talking about anyways."

"Mom- I don't know what you're talking about anymore- to young? I'm to young to be gay, yet I am old enough to live alone??? And what the hell, I'm not disgusting how could you even say that."

"No sweetie, you just haven't met the right girl."

"Ya maybe I haven't, I never said I wasn't attracted to girls. I just like a boy too."

"Well sweetie you can't be with a boy."


"Because it's wrong, you're supposed to get married to a GIRL. And have kids, that's the life god put us on this earth tho do."

"Can't I have a kid with a guy tho? And mom, do you really think I would be a good dad."

"Ryū... we'll talk about this later, I need to go, just stay away from that boy for now."

"I'm not staying away from my boyfriend."

"Ryū. Stay away from him, or else we'll move you for that city. Like we should have done before."

Then Yamada removes his hand and looks up to me.

"Damn dude, I'm so sorry that your mom responded like that to you,"

"Ya it sucks, I'm not exactly sad or anything. Just more confused. Like who cares about who other people kiss. I just thought she would be happy for me."

"Is this why you've been so quiet? Even if you're not sa-."

"I'm not sad. Okay don't try and make me think so, my parents give me shit all the time. I'm a wanna be delinquent who's failing... I just- am, disappointed. It's like I'm really bummed. I feel okay though, I mean this happened last night and I've been using all my brain power to think about my moms reactions. So that's why I've been quiet. I promise I'm okay."

"Ya I believe you, but I'm always here, and so is Ito and Shiraishi."

"Thank you," he says smiling at me.

Hey so I wrote this a year ago. Just never got to finishing it. I'm not finishing this fic, idk I've grown out of it and have no passion to update it. I'm really sorry, if you enjoyed it, thanks for enjoying it. But it's goodbye

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2023 ⏰

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