Too slow

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"So we won't practice with any of the teams today? Weren't we supposed to?" Nishinoya asked with a visible confusion.

"Since something came up with Fukurodani, there was a change of pla-" Daichi started, but was interrupted by another question.

"But will we really play with Nekoma tomorrow?" Hinata jumped up and down at every word. He was visibly not interested in anything, if it wasn't connected to Nekoma.

"Yes," captain sighed. It was the first camp for some of the boys, so this behavior was understandable, however it didn't make Daichi's duties easier. "Now go eat and get ready for the practice," he continued, trying to remain calm.

Boys nodded in agreement and stood up, filling the room with chatter and shuffling of clothes. Sugawara looked at Daichi, who was massaging his temples. He needed to collect his thoughts to continue dealing with this rising mess. Setter was about to ask him about evening's practice, when sudden blow of the wind stopped him.

"Was it-?" captain looked at him and raised an eyebrow, although didn't get a chance to finish.

"Yep, exactly," Sugawara chuckled. After months spent with first years, he got used to their habits and behavior. Setter looked at the door and caught a sight of ginger hair disappearing behind it. Hinata and Kageyama were the first ones to dash out in their usual competition.

"Do they know where-"

"No, they don't," Sugawara chuckled.

"As always," Daichi shrugged, not surprised at all.

Boys came up to their futons continuing their little chitchat. Sugawara sat down near his training bag, while captain was telling him about a new move he wants to try. The same moment as setter pulled a spare shirt out, Hinata peaked out of the door.

"D-daichi san..." boy gave him an awkward smile. Blush immediately spread all over ginger head's face. He hesitated before continuing, but didn't manage to make a sound, when Daichi replied.

"From the main entry to the left," he laughed.

Hinata quickly nodded and ran off, hiding his embarrassment. A quiet 'dumbass' could been heard from the hallway before sound of running filled it up again.

"They are truly something," Sugawara chuckled, pulling his shirt off. "And here I started wondering when they'll come back," he continued, "took them long enough."

"I guess they stopped at the stairs, bumping into each other," Daichi sighed. He knew them too good to not guess this much. "Hurry up, we don't have much time left," captain s and give setter a bump on the shoulder.

"Sure, sure."

Yamaguchi switched off his phone and looked at third years heading out. I probably should go too. Boy rubbed behind his neck. He quickly changed into comfortable sweatpants and a new tee, before tossing the phone into his training bag. I'll have to charge it after lunch... He looked around, searching for Tsukishima. However Yamaguchi found himself sitting alone. Wasn't he here just a moment ago? He sighed, not really impressed. I don't want to catch up on him again. A frustrated whimper left his lips. I'll get scolded for being slow yet again...

"Yamaguchi!" Ennoshita's voice made freckled boy jerk his head up, "Are you going?"

Yamaguchi looked at Kinoshita and Narita standing beside the older boy. "Coming," he gave a warm smile and ran up to them. Ennoshita ruffled his hair, scolding freckled boy for spacing out too much these days, and they made their way to the cafeteria together.

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