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Tsukishima walked into the room, drying his hair with a towel. He looked around, eyes lazily dragging from one corner to another. It was a long and exhausting day, so most of the team were already sleeping. Tsukishima snickered as he saw Nishinoya snoring loudly, his leg up Tanaka's back, while the other boy was sleeping with his face buried in the pillow. However even though they were quiet now, it didn't mean that the whole team won't be woken up early because of them tomorrow. A thought of getting up to the sound of their screaming made Tsukishima roll his eyes. This sounded too much of a real possibility.

Blonde came up to his futon, throwing towel onto his training bag. He sat down beside it and cleared his glasses with the hem of the shirt. Tsukishima's shoulders shuddered slightly, sending a nasty sensation through his arms. The reason was obvious. "Tch, I'm never practicing this much again," he grunted. Boy stretched aching muscles, before glancing at Yamaguchi's futon. To his pure surprise, it was still lying empty by his side. Where the hell... Tsukishima's eyes wandered over crumpled blanket and up to boy's training bag. Clothes were thrown messily inside, sticking out here and there. "Are you a little kid?" Tsukishima scoffed, "when will you learn to fold them properly?" He scooted closer to the bag, heavy sigh leaving his lips.

His fingers hovered over Yamaguchi's clothes. How many times have I done this already? Tsukishima clicked his tongue, taking out one of the t-shirts. It would be a lie to say that he wasn't used to this though. Yamaguchi did have a habit throwing his clothes around, when his mind was occupied with something else. During these moments he could also unconsciously leave things around the house, that he was looking for hours later. Tsukishima put everything in place, leaving Yamaguchi be. Talking to his boyfriend was pointless. He wouldn't hear him, being in his own little world. It was happening pretty often, so blonde reconciled with this habit. However it still annoyed him time to time, making him scold Yamaguchi, returning boy to reality. Blonde folded another t-shirt and put it beside him in a neat pile.

Suddenly his eyes stopped at a small dark green notebook, lying under the clothes. Silver letters spelled 'Make today beautiful' on it. It's so Yamaguchi. Tsukishima chuckled lightly. It wasn't the first time he came across his boyfriend's notebooks. Visiting his place, he already did find Yamaguchi's so called 'recipe book' in the bathroom and a sketchbook in the kitchen. All of them were small, with quotes like 'make it happen' or 'just be yourself'. However Tsukishima hasn't seen this one yet. He arched an eyebrow, trying to think of another one of his boyfriend's journal ideas, taking notebook out. "He did mention something about making a volleyball progress diary," Tsukishima shrugged, "Is there anything to write about though? He's practicing the same move for months now."

Boy studied notebook's cover for a bit, before peeking inside. He flipped pages, finger sliding down the fore edge of it. Tukishima's eyes wandered over countless scribbled pages. They were all covered with printed photos and colorful stickers. "Don't tell me it's all about vol-" his eyes widened, "oh..." Blonde's finger stopped, after noticing a picture of him and Yamaguchi glued to one of the pages.

October 12th

We went to that new dino exhibition last week. And to a new museum in Tokyo. And...library. We've been everywhere Tsukki wanted to go, but even so he refused to visit any places I suggested...manga coffee shop, amusement park, cinema... It didn't sound like he didn't want to go to see new art exhibition today though. But so happened that he had to study... However he promised we will go there some other day ^^

"Did I?" Tsukishima mumbled and read through lines again, "I totally forgot...Why didn't he bring it up again though?" He bit his lower lip and flipped another few pages, before stopping again. His eyes fell on a winter styled one, with simple doodles of hearts and falling snowflakes.

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