Will you come?

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Tsukishima looked at the date displayed on the screen of his phone and clicked his tongue. It was last day of spring vocation. He threw annoying gadget on the bed. "Fuck," he breathed out, covering his face with hands. More than a week passed since volleyball camp. These days felt like forever. No texts, calls or evening walks besides practices and team chatting, which he had little interest to participate in. Everything felt empty and boring. But the worst part about it was that Tsukishima didn't know what to do with his now awaken feelings. He still haven't gotten a chance to talk to Yamaguchi. However he didn't have a slightest clue what to say too. Apologize? How? I'm sorry? I fucked up? We're still dating? I'm a moron? Tsukishima let out an exasperated sigh. He never thought that much about simple apology. It was frustrating. He couldn't face Yamaguchi even though he wanted to. Tsukishima wouldn't admit it, but he was scared. He wanted to feel his warmth again. Warmth that he didn't cherish before.

Tsukishima's phone buzzed and he jumped to the bed. Yams? His fingers slid down the screen, switching it on. Karasuno: 3 new messages. Tsukishima's shoulders sunk. However he shook his head the next moment, "when the hell did I become so sappy?" He opened the chat and read latest texts.

Sugawara: tomorrow starting an hour earlier

Hinata: okay!

Ennoshita: good

Tsukishima clicked his tongue. He flopped on his bed, staring at the ceiling. Will Yams come this time? His eyes traveled back to the chat. If he will, what I'll say to him? Tsukishima clicked on Yamaguchi's icon. His status was still hidden. Tsukishima tried to reach him by texts multiple times, but they stayed unread. Should I try again? He sighed, sliding a hand over the face. He cared too much and it annoyed him even more. "Was there something to be so angry about anyway?" Tsukishima growled, "I didn't fuck up that bad!" After the camp he took a minute to stop by Yamaguchi's house. That evening boy's dad met him with indifferent stare.

"Good evening," Tsukishima bowed slightly.

"Evening," older man's eyes slid down his slim figure, "wanted something?"

Tsukishima felt a shiver run up his spine. Man's voice was unusually cold. "I..." he started, biting down this uncomfortable feeling, "is Yamaguchi home?" Tsukishima managed a polite smile.

"He's not," man answered simply, arching an eyebrow, "is that all, I'm currently busy?"

Tsukishima swallowed, "may I ask, where can I find him?"

"At his friend's place."

"What friend?" Tsukishima asked impulsively.

Yamaguchi's dad clicked his tongue, "you can ask him yourself." He returned a polite smile, before closing the entry door.

Tsukishima's fists curled. "Fuck that meant?!" he growled, anger slowly filling his veins. Yamaguchi didn't pick up his phone for days. Hanging out with another friend of his. Tsukishima clicked his scowled, "who's that 'friend' anyway?" He bit his cheek. Did he always have someone close besides me? How didn't I notice? Is he a guy? Tsukishima flopped on his bed. "Fuck this," he breathed out and closed his eyes. This could wait a little bit more.

He woke up the next day, exhaustion flowing through his body. Bad morning means a terrible day, huh? He snickered. Tsukishima got dressed and flew down the stairs ignoring breakfast. He grabbed his school bag from entryway and walked out. Sun shone through rare clouds making air seen warmer than it actually was. A couple of kids ran by in the direction of elementary school. Maybe day wasn't as bad as expected. Tsukishima looked in the direction of Yamaguchi's house, "should I try?" Question left unanswered as he turned around the corner. Maybe today he'll be there... Walking up to Yamaguchi's house, he slowed down the pace he didn't know was picking up this whole time. But the whole street was empty. Tsukishima waited a little bit past the time they usually met for school. Did I really expect something? A heavy sigh left his lips, before he turned around and started his usual rote to school.

This day was no different from the other ones. Except Yamaguchi didn't show up at school. Tsukishima's nerves tingled. Something happened? He tried to reach out to the boy again, but it was as pointless as before. A wave of uneasiness washed over him. He hated major lack of sleep and insane amount of questions piling in his head.

"Fuck!" Tsukishima hit the wall in the locker room. Practice had to start soon but freckled boy was nowhere to be seen.

"Someone's in a bad mood today?" Kageyama mocked, annoying Tsukishima even more.

"Shut the h-"

"No fighting!" Sugawara walked into the room and swung his training bag off the shoulder.

Boys quickly turned away from each other. Tsukishima pulled his shirt off. Will he come? He stared out of the window. It was one of those sunny days that were promising rain clouds after. Tsukishima changed into gym clothes and walked out. There was still some time till practice starts. He sat down on the stairs near the gym and buried his face in hands. Tsukishima couldn't understand if it was lack of sleep or Yamaguchi's sudden disappearance that caused this much frustration. He got too used to Yamaguchi being by his side that now everything felt alien. Tsukishima haven't even imagined that one person could make such difference. He fucked up at the camp. No, truthfully this whole time he was in the wrong. Tsukishima breathed out, getting himself together. It's not only my fault, is it? His pride spoke up before anything else. "Yams could at least say something! We could talk everything out like normal people!" Tsukishima threw his arms up, "why am I the only one trying to keep this relationship together?!"

In reality however Yamaguchi was doing his best to keep up with Tsukishima's character. Freckled boy apologized for every little thing that caused a misunderstanding or fight. He put Tsukishima's needs first. He didn't say anything while being told to shut up. Yamaguchi did everything to avoid trouble. And there it was. A sting in the chest Tsukishima didn't want to feel. Yamaguchi tried to spoke up. He tried to talk. He tried show the way he feels. It is my fault...

"Are you coming?" Daichi's soft voice pulled Tsukishima out of his thoughts. He nodded and silently followed captain into the gym.

Tsukishima impatiently tapped his foot on the floor. Where is he? His nerves were spiraling out of control again. Hands clenched the ball, knuckles turning white.

"Tsukishima!" coach Ukai called sharply, "stop slacking and get to warm up!"

Tsukishima scoffed but still joined others. Minutes slowly started feeling like hours. He couldn't concentrate. Too many questions with too little answers. Everything seemed annoying. Sound of volleyballs hitting the floor, footsteps, voices. Ten minutes of simple warm up routine turned into hell.

Suddenly gym door flew open and Tsukishima's eyes flicked at the movement. A soft voice rung across the room, "I'm sorry I'm late!"

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