The First Day

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It was 6:37 in the morning. Harper was getting ready for her first day of middle school. She was very nervous because she was scared of being bullied again. She didn't know anybody in her classes either. She rode the bus to school, and when she arrived, she took a seat in her new classroom. She chose the very back seat because she didn't want any attention drawn to her. Soon, almost the whole class was in and class began. The teacher, Mr.Sniper, asked everyone to tell something about themselves, but right in the middle of the telling, a boy ran in with his backpack hanging off his shoulder. " I'm sorry I'm late sir. I was having car troubles.". Mr. Sniper replied, " it's okay, take your seat son." The dark haired boy came to the back of the room and sat across from me. He had black glasses, and was holding a book. As class was ending, he held out his hand and said, " Hi, I'm Jasper, and you are?". I then replied," Hi, I'm Harper.". Then we exchanged smiles and went to lunch.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2015 ⏰

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