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DAY ONE : 16:38 P.M

donghyuck was doubled-over, his laboured breaths filling the silence that settled between him and mark.

the older peaked over the wall that they sat behind to assure that none of his fans had found them just yet.

"you okay?" he whispered to the breathless adult who clearly didn't work out very often.

donghyuck only nodded in response before offering him a small smile, happy when the stranger's creased brow finally relaxed, making him seem that bit more familiar.

his fringe was stuck upon his forehead as the relentless rain continued to hammer down, leaving him a shivering mess.

"have i met you before?" donghyuck uttered out in broken english while he pulled at his clinging clothes with an expression of disgust appearing upon his features at how uncomfortable it felt as it seeped further into his skin. "you seem quite familiar," he continued, eyes flicking up to meet with the taller's.

mark smiled at this, plucking off his coat to pull it around the blonde who clearly needed it more than he did. the rain had eased off, but was still there all the same. hyuck nodded in thanks, unintentionally leaning in closer to the older, finding that he emitted this addictive warmth that comforted the homesick boy.

"i get that a lot..."

holding the cracked and unusable phone close to his chest, donghyuck examined mark's face, picking apart his brain for an answer as to where he had seen him before.

even the name rang a bell to the shivering boy, but still he came up empty handed, no closer to figuring it out.

"i'm really trying here. would you elaborate please?"

an angelic laugh escaped from between the older's lips as he ducked his head down again and turned to donghyuck, sending him a cute and contagious smile.

"i'm an actor...quite a famous one at that," he quietly mumbled, slipping into korean quite  comfortably. "and they," he continued, pointing above them to symbolise the mess they had run from, "are my fans. although they mean the world to me, they can be a bit..much."

"oh my god!" hyuck whisper-shouted, his eyes lighting up excitedly as it all clicked with him. "you were in that angsty romance last year, weren't you?" He placed the phone on the floor beside where he sat before turning slightly so that they were face to face. "'reminisce', wasn't it?"

The canadian nodded, his mouth opening, but shutting just as quick upon hearing the thundering steps of multiple people yelling out for him. he slowly raised his index finger to his mouth, hushing the shorter who nodded enthusiastically, finding this chase quite thrilling.

"i think he went that way!" a feminine voice shrieked, pointing to the pathway to their right.

a chorus of excited squeals followed the statement, and soon enough the crowd of girls were only a distant sound.

with a small smirk, mark lowered his finger from his mouth and pulled his hand out of donghyuck's grip even though he didn't remember holding onto the younger's hand to begin with.

"i think we're all good," he whispered, helping the younger up.

donghyuck looked around their surroundings, obviously having no clue where exactly in the city they had gotten to, but he was sure that the actor would lead him back to where they had met.

"i'm so sorry about our phone, and for dragging you into this wild game of hide and seek, but if there's anything i can do to help you, i would be fine with it," he offered kindly, his brows furrowed as he tilted his head down to meet donghyuck's downcast gaze.

it all hit the korean boy quite quickly. not only did he have nowhere to stay, but he had no device on him to call his friends or family back at home either.

"maybe some directions back to where we were. i only arrived in canada this morning so i have no clue what i'm doing," he chuckled dryly, trying his hardest to not start crying again, as he had only ten minutes before.

with a tight-lipped frown, the taller grabbed ahold of donghyuck's forearm and dragged him back in the direction they had come from.

"any hotel or accommodation that i can bring you to?" he asked with his brow raised quizzically and focused expression adorning his sharp features.

with a hesitant shake of the head, donghyuck again requested directions to the street, knowing that he would eventually have to deal with what he had gotten himself into.

without any more questions, mark led the weary boy back to the street while keeping his head low to avoid anymore chases like before.

"and here we are," he quietly whispered, releasing the shorter's arm. "here's some money to get a phone," he continued, passing the shorter his brown leather wallet, finding the startled look that the other wore quite amusing.

the younger blinked rapidly, as if he was attempting the snap himself out of a daydream.

"don't worry, it's only cash. Go get yourself a new phone with it. It should be more than enough to get yourself a room in the hotel for the night." Mark saw the unconvinced expression that remained on the shorter's face and placed a comforting hand on his shoulder. "my phone number is in my wallet too. give me a call if you need anything at all. okay?" he gave the younger's shoulder a quick squeeze before backing away.

before any protests could be heard, he waved to donghyuck and walked away, leaving the dumbstruck boy standing in the middle of the street with the now spitting rain falling down on him.

was this encounter a blessing from the heavens?

𝘀𝗰𝗮𝗻𝗱𝗮𝗹𝗼𝘂𝘀; markhyuckWhere stories live. Discover now