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DAY TWO: 12:46

"yes, he'll be there for the audition," renjun repeated for the nth time already. "i know you want him to be the lead. he won't miss it," he muttered, rolling his eyes as the nagging on the other end and of the line continued.

patience wasn't something that renjun had been gifted with, nor was he given an even temper. so while biting down on his lip to prevent any profanities from slipping out, he cursed mark lee in his head. why did he always get the main roles? it made renjun's job that bit more stressful.

"yes...we'll be there at twelve on thursday," he assured with a weary tone. he tapped a rhythm on the steering wheel with his fingers, drowning in disinterest for the lady's repetition on the details. "bye."

with that, he pressed his earpiece, sighing when it dinged, indicating that the calm had ended.

"why do i have this job?" he groaned as the car came to a halt at the red light.

the manager had his elbow propped up on the ledge, his cheek resting on his palm as he waited for the lights to change colour. according the the location that mark had sent him, he wasn't too far from donghyuck now, thankfully.

he couldn't help but use the small moment of time he had to think about the korean boy. why was mark helping him? what was their relationship? before he could dwell any longer on these thoughts, the light turned green.

he put his foot down and zoomed through the rather busy city, looking out for any lost-looking people, but with no knowledge of what the boy looked like, he was simply oblivious.

"surly he won't be too difficult to find, right?" he asked himself in a low murmur while readjusting his sunglasses further up on his nose.

just as he was about to pull over to get out of the car and find donghyuck on foot, another call came in. with an annoyed sigh, he answered the call, putting in his professional voice. "hello, huang renjun speaking," he calmly spoke.

"hey jun, it's mark."

"i can tell," he groaned, stepping out of the sleek, black sports car. "what is it now?"

"that's no way to speak to your employer," the younger scolded, chuckling quietly as he imagined the smaller rolling his eyes.

"suddenly i'm treated like an employee. usually you hang around me like you have no other friends," he teased, smiling at the laugh that came from the other line.

"you're my bestest friend ever jun!" renjun could only gag in response, only to receive kissing sound effect from the immature actor.

renjun would never admit it to the younger, but he loved their teasing relationship full of empty insults. it was the only thing that relieved his stressful job, and he knew he had done the same for mark more than once.

"what's with the call...i'm trying to find this kid for you," the brunette muttered as he walked down the street, receiving many looks due to his whole attire.

"i just wanted to let you know that he has blonde hair...it's sort of a sandy colour. he's around the same height as me but is quite petite," mark explained, trying to pick out the things that had stood out to him the day before. "he's very tanned and always looks nervous. just thought you'd need the help."

𝘀𝗰𝗮𝗻𝗱𝗮𝗹𝗼𝘂𝘀; markhyuckWhere stories live. Discover now