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DAY FOUR: 11:36

"is jeno not here?" donghyuck rested his elbow on the front desk, his eyes drifting to behind the lady at reception.

she apologetically shook her head, "he's not in today," she slowly explained in english, her lips curling into a small frown, mirroring donghyuck's own expression. "can i pass on a message for his next shift?"

donghyuck clicked his tongue while pushing away from the counter. he merely shook his head before quietly replying with a small, "nah, it's alright."

he had intended on letting his fellow korean friend know about his plans to go out for the afternoon to meet with mark, but it wasn't the end of the world.

he gave the lady a sweet smile before returning to the seats around reception waiting for mark to collect him from his accomadation. he picked up the magazine that lay on the table.

his eyes flicked over the headlines, which of course included the world's most desired actor being in a involved dating scandal. It felt like the air had been knocked from his lungs as he picked it up to read. "it seems that the award winning actor, who on many occasions has been compared to a shining star, is starting to burnout. could this be because of this troublesome new fling of his?"

he was already so deep in thought that he hadn't even noticed the familiar, well-dressed actor before him. "hey hyuck. long time, no see, hmm?" sarcasm laced his tone, but donghyuck couldn't bring himself to smile. the older's expression changed to that of concern. "what's that?" he leaned forward and snatched the magazine from the smaller's hand, a frown etched onto his usually kind features.

"mark don-"

"don't listen to what they say, donghyuck. that's all speculation. they're simply trying to stir the film industry, but we're made of more than that," he assured tossing the article to the table again before grabbing donghyuck's hand and leading him to the back entrance, sending the receptionist a quick wink before exiting fully.

"what are you doing here? i thought you'd send renjun instead!" the younger exclaimed, not even giving mark the chance to reply before continuing. "I mean what if someone sees you and goes all 'crazy fan mode'-" he was silenced by mark's index finger pressing gently against his lips.

"live life a little, hyuck."

the korean boy wouldn't lie, the nickname gave him butterflies and made him happier than he'd like to admit.

"we have a problem, and now we'll solve it, alright?"

donghyuck nodded, entranced by the taller's alluring eyes.

"great. let's go."


"what's the plan?" donghyuck took a sip of his milkshake, his eyes curiously dancing between the two who looked to one another.

"well to start, our team won't let anything happen to you. this includes personal information being leaked online." renjun reached out, his hand resting on top of the younger's. "i would love to suggest that you have someone with you at all times but i'm assuming that you want your freedom."

donghyuck gave him a quick nod.

"thought so..." he looked over to mark quickly. "we can't do much for you in that case, but we can assure that if you call us at any point we will respond. and if you change your mind on the accompaniment, don't hesitate to give us a yell."

"i don't even know how i can repay you two." donghyuck watched mark specifically, who smiled cutely at him.

"keep yourself out of harm and that will be repayment enough." he mumbled, his smile reaching his eyes so beautifully.

"you two need to stay safe too. promise?"

renjun nodded, patting his shoulder. "of course. trust me to keep this idiot safe."

"me? an idiot? i'm your boss you little rascal!"

"ummm, actually your mum hired me. not surprising since she used to do everything for you," renjun cheekily added, instantly standing in a defensive position, ready for the comeback.

"huang renjun!" the actor shouted, following the fleeing renjun to the car. the shorter sprinted, instantly disappearing from sight out the door.

mark stopped for a moment, turning to face donghyuck with his stunning smile. "you coming?"

donghyuck simply chuckled, standing to follow the chaotic, childish pair to the car.


𝘀𝗰𝗮𝗻𝗱𝗮𝗹𝗼𝘂𝘀; markhyuckWhere stories live. Discover now