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DAY THREE: 11:24

"out, out, out!" an agitated voice exclaimed from behind the wooden door. "we're so late!"

donghyuck merely groaned with displeasure at the disruption to his rather peaceful sleep. well, it had been peaceful until a high-strung jeno began knocking at the door, mumbling profanities and other nonsense about how donghyuck had slept through his alarm.

"i've been waiting in the lobby for twenty minutes, hyuck. are you at least nearly ready?" he groaned, resting his head against the wooden door, waiting for the korean boy to emerge from the hotel room.

panic shot through the younger's body at the sudden realisation that he had, in fact, slept through his alarm - a habit of his that made him late for school on more than one occasion.

"what time is it?" he quietly murmured, rolling over in his bed to check his phone. the numbers '11:24' made his want to sink further into the bed. how had he overslept that much.

only taking another moment to collect himself and his tired thoughts, donghyuck forced himself from the comfort of his mattress as he dragged his feet to the en-suite, his mind not yet awake enough to tackle the fright he had the previous night.

his reflection wasn't exactly the most attractive one first thing in the morning with his hair sticking up in different direction, a small trail of dried drool across his chin and his eyes almost glued shut with sleep.

ignoring this, he twisted the handle on the faucet, his mind getting lost in the sound of the water running aimlessly around the sink.

"donghyuck!" the annoyance in jeno's voice was only escalating with time.

"i'll be out in a second!"


"did we miss it?"

jeno turned around, his chest rising and falling rapidly after having run through the bustling streets to catch a bus that wouldn't be running past twelve thanks to a stupid protest that had been scheduled for that day.

his eyes darted to the board that had a long list of times upon it. even through the heaving breaths, donghyuck heard jeno sigh in relief.

it simply stated that the bus was 'due'. "thanks god," the younger muttered, his hands raised as he did a celebratory dance. although quite frustrated with the teen's cluelessness, jeno couldn't seem to be mad. his stomach churned. he wasn't supposed to feel butterflies in his tummy, but he did. his cheeks weren't meant to heat up whenever donghyuck addressed him, but they did.

he but his lip, holding in the swelling pain in his chest. ignore it. he told himself, his fingers tapped against his thigh as they waited.

it only took a minute or so for the bus to pull up. it's grey colouring with hints of yellow and blue streaked through it matched the many other buses that had passed the pair. without hesitation they hopped on, flashing the driver a ticket they had printed upon arrival.

"come on hyuck," jeno beckoned, patting the seat beside him.

the blue material was soft beneath his calloused hands. soothing almost. it only took the younger korean a few seconds to reach them. his eyes were wide with wonder as he listened to the fluency of english as it surrounded him, encasing him in the western life.

really, this was the first normal thing he had done since arriving in the country days ago.

"you've literally met celebrities, gotten caught in a scandal and you're amused by this? " jeno spoke in a baffled tone.

"yeah," the shorter muttered. "it's so different from korea." he sat down, nuzzling closer to jeno, not really knowing what he was doing to the raven haired beauty's heart.

looking down at the mop of sandy blonde hair, the older could only smile. donghyuck was reflecting himself at that age, for they had both followed the same path; one they hoped would turn out well.

"i guess it is, hmm?"

the smaller only nodded, resting his head on jeno's shoulder carefully.

the older let his smile fall slightly as he took a deep breath in and let it slip from between his lips slowly.

neither seemed to notice the curious gazes they received. maybe it was due to the rush they had been in, or possibly it could have been how caught up in their lives they had become. but one thing was for sure: donghyuck's face would be in the newspaper again.

mark lee's new beau has been spotted on public transport being 'touchy' with another man. who exactly is this boy?

𝘀𝗰𝗮𝗻𝗱𝗮𝗹𝗼𝘂𝘀; markhyuckWhere stories live. Discover now