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DAY TWO: 19:34

"what has you here?" donghyuck tilted his head quizzically while letting jeno in.

the boy was clothed in the hotel-provided pyjamas. the lovely silk material was gentle against his skin, soothing even. it made him want to hop into the equally as luxurious bed and sleep the next few days away. he was exhausted.

donghyuck's bare feet slid across the soft, red carpets as he led jeno to his bed, patting the spot beside him, encouraging the raven-haired boy to sit with him.

"i just wanted to chat about what we'll do tomorrow. as you know, it's my day off, so we don't have any schedule to follow but the bus timetable is a bit strange. are there any tours or things you'd like to do in particular?" he gratefully took the seat, sending the shorter his signature eye-smile.

"i don't know the first thing about this city, to be honest. it's up to you, jeno." through the exhaustion, hyuck felt excitement rush through his veins for the day he would spend with his new friend.

jeno felt his cheeks heat up at how cheerful the younger seemed. the beautifully tanned boy was almost jumping in his seat after the eventful day that held a run of emotions. fear, relief, nervousness, awe, happiness. so much had happened, and he didn't know where to start.

"what has you so happy?" the elder asked, feeling quite taken-aback when donghyuck placed his hand on his thigh. jeno flushed an even deeper shade of red at this.

of course donghyuck meant no harm by doing so, especially since a certain canadian was still on his mind. "today was one hell of a day," he gushed in korean, finding that no matter where he was, he felt comforted around jeno. it was as if he could tell him anything, do anything, be himself and jeno would simply smile and encourage.

that morning, before hyuck had set out searching for a phone, they had shared a nice chat, one that had made both relax.

"let me tell you all about i-" he was cut of by a bright flash from the window behind jeno. donghyuck could feel the colour drain from his face. his eyes flicked from the undrawn curtains to jeno who seemed concerned for the boy.

"what's wrong hyuck?" he whispered, taking the younger's hand in his own. he held it up to his chest, trying to soothe its shaking.

"o-oh yeah...i'll t-tell you all about i-it in the morning."

jeno followed his gaze, his eyes landing in the window. he could only furrow his brows at this, wondering what could scare the boy this much.

"i can't w-wait for our day out. but i-i'm so tired." donghyuck stood up, pulling his duvets back before trailing over to the window and hastily drawing the suede red curtains. "see you tomorrow."

jeno cautiously stood up, walking over to the stunned shorter. "see you in the morning," he whispered, opening his arms to offer hyuck a hug, which he took without hesitation.


donghyuck watched jeno walk out the door, and once the door finally clicked shut, the scared teen collapsed in the floor, holding his head in his hands.

what am i going to do now?!

𝘀𝗰𝗮𝗻𝗱𝗮𝗹𝗼𝘂𝘀; markhyuckWhere stories live. Discover now