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DAY FOUR: 10:32

"mark lee's new beau has been spotted on public transport being 'touchy' with another man. who exactly is this boy?" the sound of paper creasing resonated through the room as renjun's fist tightened around the newspaper. "have you seen this mark?"

"sadly i have," the older groaned, tiredly rolling in his bed to face renjun who, as always, was dressed in a black suit, but this time he wore a black shirt beneath it. The first two buttons were undone, showing the younger's defined collarbone.

his manager never seemed to look bad, and mark couldn't help but wonder how renjun was even bothered to dress so well each day.

having been woken up by renjun's fuss, mark was still blinking the sleep from his eyes, trying to adjust his sight to the brightness shed by the undrawn curtains.

"and you're not panicking because?"

"'cause they'll leave it alone soon anyway. my biggest worry is how donghyuck is doing now that he's been dragged into this all over again..."


a golden stream of light seeped into the room from the window which flowed with warmth and radiance. it wasn't overly warm, but it seemed donghyuck's room picked up the little heat that the sun offered.

the young boy curled into the sheets further to find comfort. his eyelashes were fanned out so elegantly as sleep relaxed the usually concerned features that the young korean had.

the shrill scream of his ringtone ripped through the air, jolting him from his well-needed rest. it almost felt like deja vu, though this time it wasn't an angry jeno, but his phone jumping on the nightstand.

a groan escaped his lips as he whined with discontent. it certainly wasn't as early as he had though it was, and his initial idea to ignore the call was wiped away as saw the caller's id.

'mark' it said on the screen. its artificial lighting caused a dull ache behind his exhausted eyes. dinner with jeno had certainly turned into a party when alcohol was added. one shot had turned into two, and soon they both had a line of empty glasses on the bar.

thankfully they hadn't stayed out too late touring, (more like pub-hopping after the stress of the morning).

donghyuck's head may have been pounding, but the distinct lettering of the actor's name were as clear as day, and he couldn't seem to fend off a smile.

"hey," he quietly started, holding the device to his ear with a slight tremble in his hand.

"hi donghyuck. it's mark." the suddenly energetic boy chuckled fondly, finding the other's adorableness overwhelming.

"hi mark," he continued, falling back again, hugging the pillow close to his chest. "are you alright?"

"that was actually what i was gonna ask." donghyuck furrowed his brows slightly, his eyes holding sheer confusion. "you've seen the news, haven't you?"

he quickly reached for his laptop beneath the bed and flipped it open, desperate to be clued in on what was happening.

the article immediately came up upon searching mark's name, and by the gasp on the other line, mark could tell donghyuck was already scared.

"how about we meet up? we can talk through this and figure out where to go from here," he suggested gently, not knowing where donghyuck's mind was at in that moment - probably on the fact that his face was plastered in the screen of every device around the world.

"where? i mean that's twice now that i've been caught, not to mention stalked!" the younger exclaimed with great frustration.

"meet me at the back entrance of the hotel in an hour, i'll be there with renjun." after a moment of silence, donghyuck hesitantly agreed, his heart pounding wildly in his chest, matching the same sensation in his head from the shots the previous night.

"m'kay," he whispered. his mind, though still foggy, ran through the different scenarios that could ensue if he was caught with mark yet again.

donghyuck almost thought that mark had hung up since the silence still hung. eventually the actor's apologetic voice broke it again. "i promise that i won't let anything happen to you. do you trust me?"

donghyuck bit his lip in thought. do i trust you? his eyes darted to the paintings that decorated the walls.

one showed the beautiful paint strokes that created the perfect image of the main street, the same street where renjun had saved him on mark's request. another showed the hotel entrance, so elegantly photographed. it was the door that mark had walked him to in order to ensure his safety at the risk of his own.

"i want to..."

he could almost hear mark's smile, which happened to bring one to his own face.

"then get ready. i'll be by in an hour."

𝘀𝗰𝗮𝗻𝗱𝗮𝗹𝗼𝘂𝘀; markhyuckWhere stories live. Discover now