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DAY FOUR: 23:42

"it's beautiful!" donghyuck exclaimed, awestruck by the the sights before him.

"i always come here when i'm on the run from jisung and renjun. i love how peaceful it is," mark replied quietly, leaning over the fence carelessly, his eyes fixated on the steady stream of water that flowed down the hill.

it was almost sacred having such a small, pretty spot in the city...well near it anyways.

"is jisung another manager?" the younger questioned, somehow tearing his eyes from the stunning reflection of the moon to admire mark's profile.

"my bodyguard. it's actually a miracle you haven't met him yet, he won't even let me go to the toilet alone. renjun probably scared him away with his controlling ways. you know how renjun is," he chuckled, tapping a rhythm onto the wood of the fence.

"how do you cope being that..." he paused for a moment to think of the word. "surrounded, i guess."

he returned to admiring the actor's profile, watching how his jaw tensed, his eyes squinting ahead, even in the absence of sun. he saw how his tongue quickly graced his lips which then pursed in thought.

"i used to hate it, and i still do at times, but the staff who care for me have become my family and I wouldn't be without them."

donghyuck smiled at the sentiment, thinking of the often-stressed Chinese manager, who he had no doubt was rampaging through the city to find the pair as they spoke.

"do you think renjun will ever forgive us for this?" the younger whispered, slowly returning his gaze to the river, his blinking slowing with fatigue.

"eventually...if we survive his wrath." the two shared a smile at this. "you looked exhausted. we should really get you back to the hotel."

"we don't have a car," the korean boy mumbled, pushing away from the fence with the older.

"we walked here, we can walk back."

"or we could call renjun..." donghyuck added, only to be met with a firm shake if the head.

"i'm not ready for that quite yet."


"just call me if you ever need me, hyuck."

donghyuck smiled to himself, thinking of the handsome actor's words, the nickname, the grin, the feeling of mark's hands gently rubbing his shoulders before he turned away.

he wondered how mark was going to survive his manager's anger, but most of all he wondered if he was going to get to see him again.

he passed the reception, brows knitted at the reminder of his friend not being there, but he hoped jeno was enjoying his day off nonetheless.

it was late, and donghyuck was exhausted, just as mark had said before. he spent one more moment looking to the door that the older had just left though before he made his way back to his room again.

it didn't take long for him to turn on the shower, ready to clean up and sleep. rest sounded really nice to him after such an eventful day out with mark again.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2022 ⏰

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𝘀𝗰𝗮𝗻𝗱𝗮𝗹𝗼𝘂𝘀; markhyuckWhere stories live. Discover now