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As I sit down I notice he has a big grin plastered on his face. "What are you smiling at, have I got something on my face?" I love my hand up to my face and brush it against my skin.

"No love, it's just you looks so different outside of work. In a good way I promise, you look beautiful". What would you like, I'll go order".

"Could I have an iced caramel latte please" "sure" as he walks over to the counter I can't help but notice how fit his bum is, the unholy thoughts this man makes me have.

After a little talking I can tell this date, if it even is one is coming to an end.

"So Brooke, if you like we could go back to my place for a bit and watch a film or something if you like?"

"Sure, why not" as we drive to his house millions of thoughts are running through my head, but before I even get to process them we pull into his drive way and he opens the car door for me.

"So what film would you like to watch then?" As he says this I notice him looking me up and down and I begin to blush.

"Well I would actually really like to watch cherry if you don't mind?" After saying this I feel really stupid, he's going to think I'm weird for wanting to watch one of his films with him.

He gives me a weird look before saying " we can if you want but please if you don't like be honest and tell me, I need to her what people think of it"

About half way into the film I start to shiver and Tom notices, he gently pulls me into him and I snuggle up next to him.

"Wow, that film was great Tom. The way it was so factual and highlighted what life was like for soldiers after war was incredible". He looks at me with beaming eyes

"Thanks, it was hard to film at times but it really opened my eyes, do you want to watch another film? What about mean girls?"

I let out a small giggle before saying yes. He looks at me with raised eyebrows and says " did you just laugh at me for wanting to watch mean girls?".
"I most certainly did not, I was just surprised that's all".
"Well I'm sorry love, but I just don't believe you". I look at him confused but before I can speak he jumps on me and starts tickling me.

I start screaming of laughter and try to fight back but fail. "Tommy stop please" his eyes immediately soften and he says "Tommy huh no one's every really called me that before".

I now feel extremely embarrassed and turn away. He notices and slowly brings his hand to my face and softly runs over my cheek.
"Hey I didn't mean to make you feel embarrassed I like it love".

He then slowly leans into me and softly covers my lips in kisses. After a little while we pull away and I smile at him, I can't help but realise that I really like him a lot.

"Brooke, I know we've only just met but I really like you a lot and I just thought you should know". My heart swells up as I look at him, I can't believe he feels the same way, but am I willing to let someone back in my life so soon?

"Hello, Brooke?? You've been silent for the past two minutes since I admitted my feelings for you. Are you ok?"

"Tom, before I tell you this just know that I do have feelings for you too. It's just my last boyfriend was so toxic. He was controlling, he made me cut off my friends and family, luckily after we broke up they all understand it wasn't me that wanted to stop seeing them it was him. Whenever I went out I had to get permission from him first, I would have to tell him where I was going, when I would be back and who I was going with. The only friends I were allowed to see were work ones and he'd only allow that once every two weeks. He mentally abused me too, always told me that he was too good for me, that I was lucky to have someone like him and that if I every tried to leave him he'd make sure no man would want to go anywhere near me. So I was trapped in the relationship, until one day I caught him sleeping with his boss, I knew this was my way out of the relationship, so I told him that if he didn't let me leave him I'd report it to his work that he was sleeping with his boss. I know that threatening him makes me just as bad as him, but it was my only way out of the relationship. I had to do what I could and think fast so I could be free from him.

The reason I'm telling you all this is because, due to that relationship I have serious trust issues and extreme anxiety. I want to be with you, but I have to trust you first. I hope you understand, but at the same time if you feel like you can't cope with all my problems and you want to leave  I also understand."

"Brooke, I'm so sorry about how he treated you. You should know I would never treat you like that, but understand that I have to earn your trust first before something could happen between us. So how about we get to know each other a bit better before we go on our next date?".

"Wait if you said next date, then that means I've told you everything and your still willing to stay".

He looks at me with sympathetic eyes "Brooke, I like you a lot and I will do whatever it takes to get you to trust me. Come here".I pad over and  he pulls me into him.

A/N: hey guys, i wasn't actually planning on Brooke being in a toxic relationship, but I didn't want her and Tom to get together too early on so I added it. But don't worry things will spice up soon I promise.

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