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Toms POV

The vibrant morning sun slowly seeps through into our room lightning it up. I look I've to see my beautiful wife snuggled up into me snoring lightly. I gently kiss her forehead before gently playing with her hair.
We have to be up early for our flight so I know she doesn't want to get up. I lean over and quietly order room service for breakfast so she can stay in bed a little longer.
I pull Brooke back into me and she starts to wake up, snuggling even more into me even more.
She starts to mumble in her sleep, I lean in to try and hear what she's saying.
"Mmm Tom, love you so much. Oh fuck, faster right there. God you feel so good inside me". Oh my god she's having a sex dream about me, not going to lie that's kinda hot.
She all of a sudden opens her eyes and quickly sits up. I chose to not saying anything about the dream yet, maybe she'll tell me?

"Morning baby, did you sleep well?" I gently press my lips to hers.
"Yes thanks, I slept like a log last night" she yawns and wraps her thin arms around my body.
"Oh yeah, did you have a dream or anything" I subtly ask this in hope for her to tell me.
"Oh umm no I- I didn't why?" She looks at me nervously, obviously worried that I might know.
"Just wondering, anyway I just heard a knock at the door your mini surprise is here" her eyes light up and she tries to jump out of bed but I push her down.
"Wait her baby, you're not allowed to leave the bed" a minute later I come back with a trolley filled with a fruit basket, pastries, bacon, sausage eggs and loads more. Along side the trolley is a jug of freshly made coffee steaming and ready to be poured.
"Omg Tom, you really are filled with surprises. Have I ever told you how much I love you?" She giggles at me.
I decide now is the time to tell her I heard the little dream she had.
"We'll let me think. Mmm Tom, love you so much. Oh fuck faster right there. I believe we're the first words you uttered this morning" I smirk at her as she goes bright red.
"Oh my god Tom!". She shouts
"If i remember correctly you said that too" I burst out laughing.
She puts her hands over her face and covers them in embarrassment. But I pull them away and she immediately looks down.
"Baby look at me, it's not embarrassing if anything it was really hot knowing you have sex dreams about me."
"Are u sure it's hot and not just weird?".
"I'm sure, I have sex dreams about you too. It's normal anyway come here and let's eat and if you really want me to I'll eat you afterwards" I wink at her.
I grab a bunch of grapes and throw one out for Brooke to catch. She leaks forwards and tips her head back in hope to catch it, it lands on her tongue and she jumps up being pleased with herself.

"Ok my turn now, open wide and we'll see how many you can get in" she takes the bunch off me and throws one in, each time I catch one she throws another one in.
"Open your mouth I want to see how many you have in there" she smiles at me, god I love her smile it lights my day up honestly.
She leans into me and starts counting out, I take this time just to admire my wife's beauty.
The soft freckles splattered over her nose and cheeks only visible if you look close up and that only come out in the summer. Her cute button nose slightly shiny at the end wrinkles up as she peers into my mouth.
"I don't know how many you have in there Tom but it's too many, I'll take some out for you" she leans in and kisses me deeply, it surprised me but it was nice. She used her tongue to slide a few of the grapes into her mouth before pulling away.

"We need to pack up our things now, the taxi will be here to pick us up and take us to the airport in 2 hours. So come on, we'll go to the bar and grab a drink when we're done and we'll check out" I slap Brookes ass when she stands up to start packing.

I hop in the shower and come out a few minutes later to see Brooke sat on the bed holding a box looking confused.
"Is something wrong baby?". She rolls her eyes and motions for me to sit down.
"When did you get this it's huge Tom and we've never used it" she opens the lid to show me a massive purple vibrator.
"Oh shit, I forgot about that I bought it when we went shopping. We'll try it later on the plane" I wink at her before we leave the suite and head down to reception.


"Baby the taxi is here for us grab your case and let's go". We grab our things and head to the airport saying goodbye to the resort.
I turn to ask Brooke what time the flight is but she has fallen asleep on my shoulder. I carefully pull out my phone and snap a picture of her looking peaceful and cute as she sleeps.

After a long and tiring flight home, we pick up our luggage and I start driving home. I'm driving half way and Brooke will sleep then we'll swap and she'll drive, the time difference and jet lag really fucked up our sleeping schedule so we're both dead.
I pull into a small, empty petrol station and softly kiss Brooke to wake her up.
"We're half way baby, I would let you sleep but I'm really tired and think I'd crash the car if I don't get some rest". We switch seats and Brooke begins driving the second half of our journey...

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