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As I'm slipping on a pair of tight jeans and a white lace tank top I hear a knock at the door.

"Tom can you get that I'm half naked right now" I shout downstairs then take a big mouthful of my water.

"Well I would have but now you've told me you're half naked I would rather rail you darling".

As he says that I spray my water over the bedroom floor. "Thomas Stanley Holland I can't believe you just said that now hey the door".

He lets out a small chuckle before opening the door and greeting everyone. I carry on getting dressed and run downstairs to see everyone.

"Oh hi Brooke, let me see it" Nikki asks.

I put out my hand and show her the ring on my finger. "It's gorgeous isn't it Nikki" I squeal.

"Well done Tom, I'm so proud of you and congrats on the engagement".

"Ooo toms getting married, toms getting married". The twins sing that whilst teasing Tom.

"Fuck off Harry and Sam your just jealous you haven't got any action". Sams mouth drops open as Tom says that and I try to refrain from laughing.

"Moving on, come in does anyone what a drink
before we start the planning".

"I would love a tea thanks".

"Me too". Sam and Harry ask for one as well along with Tom.

"Right so that's 4 teas then, anything to eat. We could be at this for a little while" I giggle.

"You guys start I'll whip up some nachos with homemade salsa and guacamole".

Harry leaves the room and we all sit down at the dining room table to get started.

"Right here's how this will work, Tom you write anyone you want to invite then I'll write who I want there. Sam I want you to write down any recipes that you think would be good for the courses, any starters, mains and deserts that seem appropriate for a wedding that I can recommend to the caterer. Nikki could you write down any dust and family relatives that Tom is likely to forget then have a look through this magazine and see the reviews on all of the circles florists. Pick the top three best reviews ones and fold any pages that have lavender flowers. Right everyone got that?".

Each of the boys stare at me in shock whilst Nikki seems calm.

"Well come on chip chop".

Everyone starts doing what they've been allocated. After 15 minutes I've written down everyone I want to invite and so has Tom, after checking each other's lists I notice something strange on his list.

"Tom?". I look up at him slightly confused and wondering.

"Yes baby?". My heart melts at this but I have to stay focused.

"You've invited all of the marvel cast to the wedding?".

"Are you not ok with that love?".

"No, no of course I'm ok with it. It's just I've never met any of them before other than zendaya. Which by the way I'm seeing tomorrow, I just think maybe I should meet them before the wedding".

"Of course darling, I'll text on the group chat now and arrange something".

A few minutes later Harry walks in with cheesy nachos with a side of guacamole and salsa.

"Brooke, before we take a break I wanted to show you a few different flowers that I circled, some of them are gorgeous. I also found a few bouquets that I think you'll like". I love how thoughtful she is.

"Thank you Nikki I'll have a look now". She passes over the magazine and immediately my eyes are drawn to one set of lavender roses along with a mix of cream ones.

"Tom, come see these, what do you think of them". He pads over to me and has a look at the flowers I'm in adoration at.

"They're gorgeous Brooke, they're exactly what we're looking for".

"Soooo, can we order these ones for each of the tables then?".


"I'll call them now, according to the website they're still open" Nikki speaks.

"Thanks Nikki, could you order 1 bunch per table so about 40 bunches so we'll have 5 bunches spare just in case".

"I'm on it now".

I turn to check the next thing on the list. "Right Sam, how are we doing with the recipes. Give me your top 5 ideas for each course."

"Well for a starter I was thinking either smoked salmon tartlet with a side salad or a Hungarian fetta and spinach soup, which one would you prefer?".

"Well knowing Brooke she would get soup all down her dress so I think the tartlet would be best" Tom smirks.

I playfully smack his arm, "rude but true, I'll add that to the folder. What about main, shoot ideas on that".

"Well, I was thinking considering how picky some of the guests can be what about like a hog roast?."

"I think that would be great, Tom?".


After deciding on having a sweet cart come out for people to nibble on after the cake everyone leaves and it's just Tom and I.

"I have plans tomorrow with zendaya but we could do some more planing on Wednesday?".

"I don't mind as long we can take a long hot bath and have cuddles all night". I love how soft Tom can be sometimes even though he hates when I tease him for it.

"Of course bub, I'll go run one now". I start to walk out of the room.

"Whilst you run it I'll find a book that we can read when we're in there yeah?". I love it when he reads to me.

"Ok come up in about 10 minutes".

An hour later we've had the bath and Toms read me some of a book he likes. We climb into bed and put on an old episode of friends.

"I'm going out about 12 tomorrow to see zendaya, I'll text you when I'm on my way home so you can be ready for more planning". I look over to see Tom with a big grin across his face.

"What are you smiling it". I look at him waiting for an answer.

"I just can't wait to marry you that's all". He softly kisses my lips before turning off the tv and we go to sleep.

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