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As we sit down I notice toms smile grow into a frown. He then gets of the sofa and looks at me in confusion.

"Is something wrong Tom?" I stand up and go to rub his arm but he backs away from me.

"What are you wearing Brooke? That doesn't look like one of your jumpers."
I look down and my eyes widen, I realise that I still have Jamie's jumper on.

When I look back up I see Tom walking towards the door. "Tom wait, it's not what you think".

"Oh really cause to me it looks like you're wearing another mans jumper and practically shoving it in my face showing off that you're wearing it. You know what Brooke, you act like you have major trust issues and anxiety. But here you are spending time with me whilst in another mans clothes. Is this why you wanted to take things slow, you wanted to weigh up your options and see who would be better suited to you. Well here's a thought, you don't have to decide who's better suited to you because I'm removing myself from this fucking love triangle. Go have fun with your new boyfriend."

He storms out and slams the door behind him, I burst out into tears and cry for what seems like days.

It's been 5 days since the huge argument with Tom. I've tried calling and texting him but he won't answer any of my calls, I've just decided to give him space for a bit. I refuse to accept that we're over before we even started.

I make my way into work and head to go find Jamie with his jumper in my hand.

"Knock, knock. Hi Jamie, I've got your jumper here. Thanks for letting me borrow it, I'll see you around the office I guess".

He goes to speak but I immediately turn around and head for his shared office door. Before I can leave I feel him grab my arm and I turn around.

"Miss Gray, please wait and let me speak". I sigh and gesture for him to talk.
"Miss Gray, Brooklyn. Have I done something to offend you, it's just you seem off".

"You've done nothing wrong Jamie, I was just returning a jumper to a work college".

"Wow, so I'm a work college now and not a love interest " he looks at me with disappointed eyes.

"I'm sorry if I've given off the wrong impression but we don't know each other. We have had like two conversations and they were both about you spilling iced coffee on me. I really have to go now".

As I walk away I begin to understand where Tom was coming from. The way he saw it was that I had another guys jumper on, about he man gave me an item of his clothing. If it was the other way round and a girl had given him one I would freak out, like that is a romantic gesture.

I open my phone and go to text Tom to explain what happened.

Brooke- hey Tom, I know you don't want to talk to me but after a realisation I realise why you were mad and that I was in the wrong. If you still don't want to have anything to do with me I understand, but I just thought you should know I'm sorry for what happened and if you will give me a chance to explain I can tell you everything. I'm at work today but stopping at a little cafe called The Tea Hut for lunch between 13:00-14:00 if you want to meet. Anyways I'll go now and maybe see you later? x

I put my phone down and find something to distract myself with. I manage to find some old notes to update in order to give the best report from an old interview.

An hour later I check my phone and decide to head down to The Tea Hut. As I walk down there my nerves are taking over me, I swear strangers passing by could hear my heart beat out of my chest. My palms begin to sweat and I begin to feel dizzy.

I slowly open my eyes and all of a sudden I start to panic. Where am I? Why aren't I in the cafe waiting for Tom? And most importantly what the fuck happened?

"Hey, it's Tom. You passed out near the cafe where we were going meet. I did go to meet you, I waited for about half an hour and when you didn't show i knew something was wrong so I went to look for you."

"Yeh, I remember what happened now. I got so nervous about seeing you that I had a panic attack and I guess I passed out from it. Can we talk please, nor about this but about what we would have talked about if I was normal and didn't have anxiety".

"Not now, you need to rest. The doctor said that you have a mild concussion, you could get a few symptoms for a few days from this including throwing up, dizziness and feeling tired. So I'll send one of my brothers round to check on you every day until your better, but once you're home and up to it we can talk".

He gets up to leave but I grab his arm and motion for him to sit in the bed next to me. "Please Tom, I feel up to it now. I can't spend the next few days day wondering what will happen in our conversation. I need to have to it now or it'll just eat up and drive me crazy".

He sighs and then looks into my eyes softly.

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