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1 week later:

"Tom!!! Hurry the fuck up why do you take so long in the shower. We're going on just under two hours and I can't start getting ready until you get your ass out the shower so I can get in" honestly it isn't much to ask for.

"You should have listened to me and just had one with me" he shouts back.

"If I had got in the shower with you we would have ended up having sex or at least it would have ended with me on my knees being face fucked and then we would get there late". He walks into room wearing nothing.

"Where's the floral shirt and my jeans that I keep here with my other clothes" me and Tom keep a few clothes at each other's houses for when we stay, I have a draw at his he has one at mine but he always puts his stuff in random draws.

"Have a look in the top left draw they might be there, but I'm getting in the shower now".

I try to use the hot water to calm my nerves for tonight. What if I say or do something stupid or I spill something or I trip over?

I slip on a light blue long floral dress, pull my hair half up half down and apply a small amount of natural makeup.


"Right love we're here" Tom looks at me before brushing a hair out of my face.

"I'm nervous Tom, they might not like me" he lets out a small giggle.

"Tom don't laugh at me I'm serious".

"You'll be fine darling" he gets out of the car and opens the door for me.

I get out and we walk up the driveway. "Brooke?"

"Yeh" he looks at me with big eyes.

"I love you". Him saying that has melted away all of my nerves.

"I love you too bub". The front door opens and a lady smiles at me.

"Hi I'm Nikki toms mum".

"Hi I'm Brooke" she pulls me into a hug and I return the hug back.

Hi I'm Dom toms dad great to meet you" he gives me a quick hug.

"Nice to meet you too, your home is lovely".

We head into the living room and get drinks.

"So Brooke how did my son manage to meet someone as beautiful as you?" I give a small smile to her before answering.

"It was my first day at my new job, I'm an interview, Tom was my first interview and at the end of he slipped me a bit of paper with his number. Then we went on our first date and he had me from there."

"Please Brooke had him whipped before they even went on their first date" Sam says with a snigger.

"It is true darling, I've been simping for you since day 1". Everyone lets out a chuckle before haz looks at me with a smirk.

"You know Brooke met us before tonight didn't you Brooke?" Uh oh what's he up to.

"Yes I met paddy I was outside toms waiting to go in".

"How did you meet the twins and haz then?" Dom questions me. I was really hoping they would forget about the question.

"Well I was sleeping at toms one night after a date and the next morning they were downstairs, they'd come in back the night before but didn't want to wake us so we did the introducing in the morning".

"Sleeping is one thing they certainly weren't doing" haz mutters under his breath but luckily no one seems to hear, I discreetly nudge him and Tom changes the subject.

"So mum, dinner smell amazing what are you cooking?".

"Chicken Lasagne with a side salad, it's ready now so I'll dish up and bring it to the dining room".

We spend dinner talking and laughing, Nikki shares some embarrassing stories of Tom, I try not to laugh too much, we learn things about each other.

"Right, if you'll excuse me I better clear up" Nikki says and stands up.

"I'll help you out Nikki" I get up and start gathering the plates.

"No brooke, you're the guest".

"Honestly Nikki I'll dry you you wash it can be a joint effort".

25 minutes later everything is washed and dried up, the boys are in the living room with Dom talking about god knows what.

"You know Brooke, Tom hasn't had many girlfriends but out of the ones he's had you are by far my favourite. The others could be quite selfish, rude and controlling, they used his fame to get things, I won't go into too much detail but you're different. You care for him, put him first, you are always there for him, the way you look at each other is real love" by the end of her talking we both have slight tears in our eyes and she pulls me into a hug.

"Thank you so much Nikki, this means so much to me". We head into the living room to join the others.

"We should probably get going love, you have work early and I've got a photo shoot so we need an early night." He locks his hand into mine and we say our goodbyes and head home.

"So where did you and mum disappear to then after clearing up, I looked over and saw you two having an intense conversation." He rubs his hand gently over mine as we drive home.

"Well uh, we were. She told me about your past girlfriends and how they treated you. I'm so sorry Tom".

He looks at me with sad eyes, "it's ok baby, you didn't know and it's not your fault. All that matters now is that I have you, because that is all I need".

We walk back into mine and tess comes to great us, she stayed at mine tonight with Tom. I take a sit down on the sofa and I can already feel my eyes getting heavy.

"You tired bub, your eyes are drooping".

"I'm so tired, I don't think I can walk to bed". Next thing I know Tom is carrying me upstairs, he slips my dress off and pulls on one of his t shirts over me. I snuggle up next to him as he gently wraps his arms round me.

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