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Toms POV

I wake up and open my eyes to see my girl sound asleep snuggled into my chest. As much as I would love to stay here she deserves breakfast in bed, I carefully move her off me and creep out of the room.

I put on a pot of coffee and start making pancakes and a fruit salad. I place everything on a plate neatly with her present in a little bag.

"Time to wake up pretty girl" I gently run her arm to wake her up.

"Happy anniversary baby, I made you breakfast". She slowly opens her eyes and sits up, how does Brookes manage to look so beautiful when she's just woken up?

"Mmm I want cuddles, it's too early to be awake.". She rolls back over pulling the duvet over her.

"But darling, I made you breakfast". She immediately shoots up and is awake.

"Awww Tommy I love you so much".

Brookes POV

The fact that toms gotten up and made me breakfast is so sweet.

"What do we have to eat then?".

"Pancakes, coffee and a fruit salad, I've got syrup and bananas in the pancakes cause I know they're your favourite". He hands me a hot coffee and a plate of pancakes.

"I can't believe you got up and did all this for me." I bite into the pancakes and let out a small moan from the taste.

"Look at me, got you moaning within 5 minutes of being up".

We finish breakfast and I hop out of bed to grab toms present.

"Close your eyes and hold out your hands Tom". He closes his eyes and holds his hands out. I hand him the big bag and eagerly wait for his reaction.

"You didn't have to get me a gift love".

"I wanted to, now open it I want to see your reaction". He opens the bag and pulls out his favourite cologne and a silver chain he really wanted.

"I love these thank you, I can't believe you got me this chain it was really expensive".

"I saw how much you liked it though bub".

"Ok now time for your present. I need you to get out of bed, stand facing the wall and count to 30. When you get to 30 you can turn around ok, don't turn around any earlier ok?".

"Ok, but I'm nervous now". I turn around and start counting to 30. I get to 30 and slowly turn around. I let out a small gasp as I see Tom down on one knee.

"Oh my god", I start to get really nervous and Tom smiles at me.

"Brooke, we may have only known each other for six months but it feels like a lifetime. The day I met you was by the far the best day of my life. It was like before I met you I felt slightly empty but I didn't know what fill the emptiness up with. Then when we went on that coffee date I realised that you were what I needed to make me feel complete. You've stuck by me through thick and thin even when I've been a bit of a wanker". I let out a small giggle before letting him continue. "You are the most beautiful person inside and out, you see the best in people and never judge people for their mistakes, you know how to care for me and support me even if I can be a bit difficult. I love you with all of my heart so Brooke Eve Gray, will you make me the happiest man alive and marry me?".

By the time toms finished I have tears streaming down my face, that's the sweetest thing anyone's ever said to me. "Of course I will tom".

I hold out my hand for him to slip the ring on my ring finger. He stands back up and pulls me into him softly pressing his lips against mine. My hands run through his hair as his roam my body.

"Brooke". Tom leans back slightly to look at me but still holds me tight.

"Yes". I look up at him wondering what he'll say.

"I don't want to wait, let's get married sooner rather than later, we can still have a proper wedding but I love you too much to wait like a year."

"I completely agree, but have I ever told you how adorable you can be sometimes Tommy".

He leans in to kiss me but I swerve him as a joke to annoy him.

"Are you being a bad girl?". The butterflies erupt in my stomach and I decide to defy Tom.

"Maybe I am huh, what are you going to do about it?". I look up at Tom and give him bedroom eyes.

"Take all of your clothes off right now every last bit". Usually I would do what Tom told me to do bu today I feel like switching things up and seeing what happens when I don't listen to him...

"Make me". I look up at him biting my lip slowly before watching his facials expression slowly change.

He grabs my wrists and pins them above my head before ripping off my joggers and panties. He then pulls my wrists back down so he can remove my tank top. "I knew you weren't wearing a bra love, just to tease me I assume". He then grabs a tie and tied up my wrists to the bed. "Spread your legs baby all on display for me and pull some pretty poses". I do as told and he pulls out his phone taking pictures of me. "I'm gonna need these for when I'm filming a new project am I can't see you". He quickly unties me and I give him a confused look. "Move over so I can sit down leaning against the headboard". I move over the bed so there's room Tom to sit. "Now get on top of me and kiss me". I throw my leg over him straddling his body before I passionately kiss him. My hips involuntarily rock against him grinding down on his lap, just feeling the friction of his naked hardening dick rubbing against my core causes me let out a moan. "Ahh fuck that feels good Tom". He lets out a horse before kissing and biting my neck, I feel toms hand come into quick contact with my ass slapping it roughly. I didn't think spanking would turn me on but it definitely did, "you liked that didn't you, you like it rough and degrading. You know why that is angel, it's cause you're a dirty slut that acts innocent around everyone other than me. Now if you don't do everything I tell you I will punish you bad. Understand?".

Yes daddy, I understand". He then climbs off me and sits in front of me slowly pumping his hand once over his cock before looking some darkly in the eyes.

"I want you to touch yourself whilst thinking of me baby".

I sit there speechless for a second and I feel the heat rise to my cheeks, I've never done something so intimate before but the thought of that sounds kinda fun...

Tom looks at me lovingly before softly kissing my nose and rubbing my cheek. "We don't have to if you don't want to but I think you might enjoy it whilst we're doing it. If you're nervous tell me and I'll guide you".

"I want to I've just never done something like this before".
"If it makes you feel better love, nor have I. Just follow my instructions and it'll be great".

I nod my head before taking a deep breath and out slowly.
"Right, I want you to shove your fingers in your mouth and suck them for 5 seconds". I slowly part my lips and press my fingers in licking and sucking to make them wet. I then pull them out with a loud pop and look up at Tom waiting to find out what's next. "Now I want you to slowly run your fingers down your body softly grazing down and stopping at your upper thighs". I trail my fingers down my body and slide them up my thigh stopping just before my centre. "I'm going to give you one more instruction darling then it's all up to you. I want you to run your fingers around where you need them the most then do what you want, and I'll do what I want". I slowly drag my fingers up to my core only circling over my clit, my eyes flutter shut and I let out a small moan. "Open you eyes baby and look at me, be a good girl". I open my eyes and see Tom slowly pumping himself whilst watching me. He lets out a groan as I slide my finger inside of me. "Oh Tom, feels good". I pick up the speed whilst keeping my eyes glued to toms dick, as I picked up the speed so does he. "Ah fuck I'm close Brooke". I feel my legs start to shake as I reach my high. "Tommy oh god". I feel a short spurt of liquid squirt onto my lower stomach as Tom finishes at the same time. I feel heat rush to my cheeks as I come back to reality, Tom lies down next to me pulling me into him. "How did you like that angel?". My heart swells as Tom is immediately checking if I liked it. "It was amazing Tom, I loved it". A big smile forms on his face before he lets out a small yawn, "I'm tired can we have cuddles and go to sleep". "Of course, I love you". He rests his head in the nook of my shoulder as I play with his hair.

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