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"Hey love, I've missed you" he makes grabby hands at me wanting to give him cuddles.

"Tom we need to talk right now" he quickly sits up and deeply looks at me.

"Is everything ok baby, you look upset" oh god how am I mean to say this.

"So you know at the office today I had that interview with the gold medalist.

"Yes darling, how was it, did you get any interesting information" he wiggles his eyebrows at me.

"Tom please just shut up and let me talk". Shit, I didn't mean to snap at him it's just I feel like I'm about to explode and it's driving me insane.

"I'm sorry babe, I didn't mean to snap it's just I really need to talk to you.

Just as I'm about to continue the front door opens and I hear someone call my name.

"Brooke it's meeee, are you ok now?" I turn around and Rae is standing in my living room.

"Hi Rae, I'm fine now thanks" I glare at her as if to say don't mention anything about earlier.

"Rae this is Tom my boyfriend, Tom this is Rae my childhood best friend". They give each other a quick hug before Tim turns to look at me.

"I'll go over to mine for a few hours, I'll see you later for dinner here. I love you bye."

"I love you too" he leaves my flat and I'm left with Rae, don't get me wrong I love her we've been friends since we were 3 but right no I just need Tom.


After a few hours of talking and catching up with each other we decide to go for a pampering, I don't really want to go out but I don't want Rae suspecting anything. We both get our haircut and our eyebrows done.

"Right I better go home now, I would have stayed for longer but I couldn't get off work tomorrow so I'll see you soon hopefully". I pull her into a hug and we exchange our goodbyes.

As I drive home I call Tom to tell him almost at mine.

"Hey love, I'm almost at mine what time are you coming back to mine?". I really just need Tom right now.

"Well I was thinking sam has come over and he's cooking dinner so I'm going to have good there, he's invited you too so what time are you coming?". Seriously.

"Umm well I'm not feeling too good, I think I'll just go home and wait for you there".

"Come on darling, just come over for a few hours then we'll have cuddles when we get back".

"I said I'm ill Tom, that time of the month  I'm just not in the mood ok I'll see you later".

As soon as I hang up unwelcome tears roll down my face, I struggle to breath so I pull over and top driving for a minute to calm down.

I unlock my phone and call my brother, I know I can tell him what happened without him worrying about what he'll say or do".

"Hey Noah it's me, look I need to talk to you". My voice breaks as I say the last part. "Can you come over please".

"Brooks, what's going on your scaring me".

"Please Noah just come over, I'll tell you when you get here".

"Ok I'm already in my way, I'll be at yours in 15 minutes".

I make the rest of my way home and patiently wait for him to arrive. I hear a knock at the door and I take a deep breath in before opening it.

"Brooks, what's happened why does it look like you've been crying for hours". I throw my arms around him before bursting into tears again.

"I had an interview this morning with a gold medalist. He was being a bit flirty with me but I brushed it off. As the interview came to the end he started moving really close to me. Then he, he kissed me, I- I tried to push him off but he wouldn't stop. Then he started touching me and he put his finger in my, my knickers". The last part came out as a whisper as I was so ashamed of what had happened, I look up to Noah's eyes and his face goes fro anger to sympathy. He pulls me into him and just comforts me.

"I'm going to kill him." Noah is the stereotypical over protective older brother which has been annoying sometimes but right now makes me feel safe.

"Please just leave it Noah, I don't want him finding out who my family is or anything about me in just want to forget about it and move on."

We sit down on the sofa and watch a film, Noah's agreed to stay over tonight just to be there with me.

"You know what you need brooke". I look up at him with a confused look until he lurches at me and starts tickling me.

Toms POV

After the call with Brooke I realised something must be up, even if she is on her period she isn't acting normal. I left mine and ran to the store to buy her flowers, her favourite chocolate and a little fluffy teddy bear.

As I walk up to her apartment I here laughter coming from inside, that's weird I thought she was sick.

As I open the door with the key she gave me I see her lying on her sofa and some guy ticking her playing with her hair. They hadn't noticed me from the noise of Brooke laughing, he then leans forward and kisses her head before telling her he loved her. She then says it back before resting her head on his lap and cuddling into him.

"What the fuck is going on, who's this Brooke. I come home cause you're ill with a few things for you to make you better when really you're with some guy exchanging I love yous and cuddling each other like a cute couple."

Brooke stands up and walks over to me, she opens her mouth to talk but I shut her down.

"I'm going for a walk, have fun with your new man". I storm out of her flat and head for the bar, I need to get drunk.

A few drinks later I can barely walk I'm so drunk. I call up haz and get him to pick me up.

Brookes POV

I don't know what's wrong with Tom, he just stormed out without letting me explain that Noah's my older brother.

"Maybe I should go Brooke, it's obvious you two need to talk this out".

"No you don't, haz just texted saying that he s bringing Tom back here so I'll talk to him in a minute".

I hear a knock on the door and I go to answer it, Tom stumbles through with the help of haz.

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