[34] protect.

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We all run towards the surgery room, when we arrive we see Tariq and Rasha's friends standing outside the surgery room. ''Tariq! Tariq! Where is my sister?!'' Aliah screams and cries. She fell on her knees and kept screaming. Adnan and Tariq try to help her up, ''There doing the surgery right now, everything will be just fine. She'll be fine.'' 

I haven't spoken a word, I don't even feel my heart pound anymore. My whole body is shaking and I'm sweating, nothing got into my mind. ''Tariq, how the hell did she get shot?! What the fuck happened!?'' Sarah walks around, she's stressed. Tariq rests his hands on his waist, ''Rasha and I, we were taking a walk. We were talking about random stuff until we heard gunshots rush towards us.'' He stops for a breath. 

''We tried to duck it, but a shot hit her arm.'' He finished. I, without thinking, pushed him into the wall and gripped his shirt, ''That's why I fucking told her to stay away from you, I know what type of person you fucking are. Now because of you, Rasha got shot.'' I feel the guys trying to make me let me go of him. He doesn't look at me, he looks away and sighs. ''The man who shot Rasha isn't someone who tried to shot me. That man was a hitman.''

I furrow my brows at him, ''Hitman, what do you mean hitman?'' I heard Yasin ask, ''We'll found out soon. My brother is at the police station right now.'' I slowly let go of him, did someone really pay a hitman to kill Rasha? But, what the fuck?! She hasn't hurt a single person.

''Ya Allah, please make this easy for us.'' Nadia prays. Sarah looks at Yasin, ''We can't tell her parents about this, my uncle will get a heart attack.''

An hour later the doctor finally walks out of the surgery room, we all rush to him. ''Doctor, how is my sister?!'' Aliah holds the doctor's arm. He looks at her and sighs, it didn't sound good. ''She kept losing blood, but everything went right. You don't have to worry.'' He smiles at us, everyone sighs with relief. I thank God a few times, I've betrayed God so many times. But still, he was on our side.

Then the doctor looks around, ''I have to ask, who of you is Saiid?'' Everything around me stops as he asks the question. They all look at me, ''I am.'' I bit my lower lip, he laughs and puts his hand on my shoulder. ''She kept screaming If I die please make me a favor and tell Saiid that I love him so much. I forgive him. He should know that I forgave him.'' He laughs again, a teardrop fell from my eye. 

I didn't know what to feel or even say, I just kept staring at him, ''It just shocks me how she kept thinking about you when her life was in danger instead of thinking about herself. Take care of her.'' He claps my shoulder and walks off. My whole body froze, I don't know if it was in a good way or bad way. But I felt like I could finally relax a bit, my whole body was about to break from the fear of losing Rasha. I feel everyone's eyes on me.

I sigh and lean on the wall, god Rasha. How do you always keep up this shit?

''Saiid, are you sure you don't want us to stay?'' Adnan asks, I nod. ''Yes, go home and rest. I'll stay here. Sarah, take care of Aliah.'' I tell Sarah, she smiles and nods. ''I will, we'll see you tomorrow.'' She smiles before she leaves. I look at Rasha's friends, ''Do you have a ride?'' I ask them, they all look at me and smile. ''Yeah, Malik will take us home. Thank you.'' Donia says, she wipes a tear with her hand. 

Everyone leaves except Yasin, he sits next to me on the bench. I hear him sigh loudly. ''Saiid, how? How did all of this happen? I mean, how did you fall in love with her. I never once saw you in love with a woman, never did you talk about a woman.'' He was asking a lot at the same time. I did know how to respond to all of his questions, but I just had the energy to. My thoughts were with Rasha, not how I fell in love with her.

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