[24] don't cry, baby.

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Nadia and I brushed our teeth right after we wake up, gosh last night was a long night. Nadia and I slept for a few hours, and we slept at 4 am. It's because we were having such fun that we almost forgot the time, we were getting to know each other more and we talked much about our past. She told me about her past relationships and what she had been going through. And it was not even close to what I have been through.

But oh my god, I can't believe I slept over Mr.Bashar's house, like my teacher's house. And yesterday was crazy, things I never expected happened. I almost got raped on my birthday, Mr.Bashar found out that I went to that party, Mr.Bashar almost killed someone and I confessed my feeling for Mr.Bashar. Yes, a lot happened. But now my heart feels at ease, oh my god I feel like I can finally breathe now that I have finally expressed how I feel.

''What are you thinking about?'' Nadia spits out her saliva filled with toothpaste. I shake my head as I do the same, ''Nothing special, just about yesterday...'' She glances at me and smirks, ''Hm... Saiid?'' I chuckle and shrug my shoulders at her comment. ''Maybe.''

She then laughs, ''God Rasha, you are so in love.'' I wrinkle my forehead at her and purse my lips together to not laugh. ''Whatever.''

She moves closer to me and wraps her arm around my shoulder. ''Should we go eat breakfast then?'' She asks. I turn my gaze at her and nod, ''Yep, I'll just wear my scarf.''

''Alright, then I will go to the kitchen before you. See you.'' She walks out of her room before I get to say anything. I sigh and wrap my scarf around my head, I fix it properly before I walk out of the room. When I finish I slowly get out of the room with butterflies in my stomach, I don't know I'm just excited to see Mr.Bashar. I couldn't stop thinking about us yesterday when I was about to sleep. He really caught my heart, and I did the same with his heart. Even though It's wrong and complicated I love our connection.

I walk into the kitchen where everyone is talking and eating their breakfast. As soon as I looked up my eyes caught Saiid who's looking at me with a smile on his face. Oh my, that smile. It melts my whole body like I'm a piece of ice getting melted by the sun. ''Good morning.'' I let out.

They all look at me, ''Rasha, good morning. Come sit.'' Adnan points at the chair next to Mr.Bashar. God, this was literally planned. I nod and take a seat on the chair next to Saiid. I still feel Saiid's eyes on me so I turn my gaze over to him. He looks at me like he hasn't seen me for years. My lungs are about to explode if he keeps looking at me that way, ''Good morning, beautiful.'' He whispers.

God, can he shut up for once and stop making me feel like this. ''Rasha, do you want pancakes?'' Nadia asks me. I look at her, then at the pancakes, then at her again and I nod. She smiles, ''Great. They are so yummy.'' She laughs.

Mac starts talking about a girl he met up with but she didn't look like the pictures she sent him, he told us that she had been photoshopping her pictures. How she looked, and how her body figure was. They laughed at what he was telling us, ''Damn, I'm sorry for going through all that.'' Jaffar laughed. I couldn't stop smiling at how they kept joking with each other, they looked so stupid, yet funny. All of a sudden felt Mr.Bashar's hand travel to my hand that is resting on my leg, he held my hand tightly. I look up at him and he has a smirk plastered on his face. I widen my eyes as I'm trying to make him let go of my hand.

I give him a look to make him let go, but he silently chuckles as he shakes his head. ''So Rasha, have you thought about what major will you choose after high school?'' I hear Adnan ask me. I turn my gaze at him as Mr.Bashar is still holding my hand. ''Ehh... I don- I don't know yet.'' I replied with a shaky voice. Nadia raises her brows, ''What? Girl, you have to hurry up and choose.''

His Silly Student - Love Story Between A Teacher & A Student | ✓Where stories live. Discover now