[21] happy birthday.

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I sit in my room talking to my friends on facetime while I'm thinking about Mr.Bashar's words. It's not about you. It's me, If you go to that party I'll make you regret that you even thought about that party. I didn't know what he really meant, but I knew that I really shouldn't go. But still, who is he to me? He's not my boyfriend to tell me where to go? Why can't he control and kiss his fucking girlfriend?! I don't care if he loves me, it will never be something between us. I can't take that fucking risk, I just can't.

''I knew it, she got lost in her thoughts again.'' I heard Medina state. I rolled my eyes before I shook my head, ''No I didn't, what do you want?'' I asked gruffly. Donia and Tamara laughed before Medina opened her mouth again. ''Did you see Mr.Bashar's hand? Do you know what happened?'' She asked, dramatically. I gulp, I almost forgot about that part. Gosh, I still can't believe he did that. He didn't have to punch the wall, what's wrong with him. Bitch that's because you're playing with him. Ugh! Can I shut my mind for once, I'm not playing with him. I fucking care about him.

I clear my throat before I reply, ''uhh... no why would I?'' I lied. I hear her sigh, ''Rasha, I don't know I feel you're lying. When I saw him in the morning with Donia and Tamara he didn't have that bandage wrapped around his hand. But after that math class, we did, and guess what? You're were late for the math class, what a coincidence?'' She was almost shouting, I could hear how pissed she was.

I keep quiet, I don't dare to speak because she's right. And I was ashamed, like always. I'm embarrassed that I always lie to them. But they don't know how hard this is. ''Medina, shut up. She wouldn't lie to us.'' I hear Donia defend me. I feel so bad, god I'm such a bad friend. ''You're right, I was with him. We had an argument.'' I spat. There's a silence between all of us, no one said anything until Tamara added,

''Wait, but didn't you guys have an argument yesterday too? What is this? Why are you acting like this, tell us what is happening.''

I feel my heart racing like crazy, I can't tell them. I was so nervous, but I had to. They are my friends, and the only ones I trust. ''He kissed me, and confessed his feelings.'' The second I said it they all jumped. ''WHAT!''

I flinched at their reaction, and I felt how my earphones vibrated in my ear. ''Did Mr.Bashar kiss you?'' Donia stuttered, like she was about to pee herself. ''He did...''

''Bitchhhh!! And you didn't tell us?! It was your fucking first kiss, was it good? And what did he say? What did you say!? Was it soft or rough? If it was rough, god you found the one!'' Medina freaked out, I could literally hear the excitement in her voice. ''Medina! Shut up! What's wrong with you, is that important right now?!'' Tamara said with a serious tone. A weak smile appeared on my face.

''Could you tell us what happened Rasha? Please, just tell us.'' Donia broke in. I sighed, knowing I hat to tell them. And that's what I did. The whole went by telling them what happened, and they went crazy. Medina and Tamara were so happy for me, that I finally know how Mr.Bashar feels for me. But they also got surprised when I didn't tell Mr.Bashar how I felt for him, they knew that I love him. But Donia thinks what I'm doing is the best, and she also told me that I should I just see what Allah has planned for me.

next morning

Before I ran to the bus I kissed my family goodbye, they are going to Canada for a weekend and I can't be happier. I mean yes, I am going to miss them. But I have the whole house for myself. ''Happy birthday!!'' Aliah shouted excitedly. Right, my birthday. She kissed my forehead and hugged me tightly. ''Thank you!'' I chucked against her neck. Yes, I'm short. I heard my Dad laugh in the background, we pull away and I look at him. ''Happy birthday, my beautiful Amyra(Princess).'' He kissed my cheeked and hugged me.

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