[29] lies.

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I look at my phone, It's a number that I haven't saved or even called me before. I bit my lower lip because I have a feeling It's someone I know. I look up at Rasha, she looks at me. ''Baby, get into the car. I will just answer this call.'' I say. She nods and walks towards the car. When I see her get into the car I answer the call.

''Hello? Who is this?'' I say with a confused tone. I hear someone chuckle, is someone pranking me?

''Don't act like you don't know who this is.'' Why did I know it would be her? I just had that feeling inside me.

''Maria? Why are you calling me?'' I sighed, I wasn't annoyed but I was just confused. Why would she call me? How did she get my number?

''Can you meet up? I have to tell you something.'' She says. I turn around and look at Rasha sitting in the car, when she sees me looking at her she looks down. I couldn't say no. I know, it's messed up. But the thing is I still care about Maria. I loved her and we went through very much together. So that's why I couldn't say no.


As I'm driving Rasha home I was thinking about what Maria wanted to tell me, why is she calling me so suddenly? What is she trying to do? ''Saiid!'' I hear Rasha yell, I look at her with my brows wrinkled. ''I've been calling your name fifteen times now, gosh what's wrong with you?'' She says annoyed. I take her hand and kiss it, ''I'm sorry baby.'' I curl my fingers into her.

''Did something happened? You seem so off? Who called you?'' She says with a soft tone. I look at the driveway, I can't tell her Maria called me and I'm going to meet her now. She will go crazy and suspicious something. But I can't lie to her too. We just got together and I'm already messing everything up with my lies. ''Just Adnan, he hurt himself at the gym and he wanted me to pick him up from the hospital.'' God, here goes the lies.

She nods and smiles, ''I knew he was clumsy.'' She laughs. I feel so bad, why am I lying to the one I love the most. I stop all this as soon as possible.

A few minutes later we arrive in Rasha's neighborhood. ''We're here.'' I speak, she sighs loudly. ''I know, I don't want to leave you.'' She leans closer to me and rests her head on my shoulder. I kiss her head as she chuckles. Then she unbelts her belt and looks at me, ''Tell Adnan I said get well soon.''

I smile and nod, ''I will.'' Before she gets out of the car she kisses my cheek and wave outside the car. I see her walking fast home. ''I don't deserve her.'' I whisper to myself.


As I walk home I smile from ear to ear, I just love spending time with Saiid. He makes me feel so wanted and loved. I've never felt this way in life, not even my family has made me feel like this. I know he loves, and I know he knows I love him too. I hope this stays like this forever. I just love him so much and I can't even see my life without him.

I slowly walk into my house, I take off my shoes and walk into the kitchen. I see my father and mother drinking tea in the kitchen while they look like they are waiting for someone. ''Salam.'' I greet them. My dad looks up and takes off his glasses, ''Where have you been?''

I gulp before I answer, ''With my friends, we were studying in the library'' I lie, what else should I say? That I was with my boyfriend who is my teacher? They would burn me to death. My dad sighs, ''Don't be late again, go to your room and finish your studies.''

I nod and before I walk up to my room I look at my mom who's looking at me with disgust. She hates everything about me. I walk into my room and lie on bed, then I start daydreaming about Saiid. My prince charming.

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