[1] that's mine!

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'' Omg Rasha you make the yummiest food. '' Donia says and I laugh, '' I told you Tamara I was the best cooker. '' I stick my tongue at Tamara and she rolls her eyes. '' So guys are you ready for school tomorrow? '' Tamara asks while eating her rice. '' Omgaddd yyesss! I can't wait to meet Mr.Bashar! '' Medina almost shouts, I look at her confused. '' He's hot and omg have you seen his muscles? '' She says. I look at Tamara confused. '' What is she talking about? '' I whisper. '' You know the hot teacher who is Muslim, the one who everyone drools for, '' She whispers back. I try to remember any teacher who is hot, Muslim and muscular. But no teacher comes up to my mind, maybe I don't have him in any subject?

'' You don't understand guys, I love him. Every time I think about him my heartbeats and the butterflies in my stomach go crazy. '' She says and giggles. I burst out laughing, everyone looks at me confused. '' I'm sorry but how can someone fall in love with a teacher, I mean It's a teacher. '' I chuckle and Medina glares at me. '' Rasha, It doesn't matter who you fall in love with, what matters if he treats you good and loves you back. '' Donia explains and I shake my head.

'' Yeah right, but not a teacher. A teacher and a student loving each other are illegal you know, plus why would a hot, muscular, Muslim teacher fall in love with a teenager when he could get hotter and older women? '' I tell them and giggle. '' She's right Medina. '' Tamara says and Medina rolls her eyes. '' It's not impossible. '' She shakes her head. '' But please Medina why would you waste your time on loving a teacher when they are hotter and better guys in this world. '' I say and she sighs.

'' Mind your own business Rasha! '' She points at me and furrows her eyebrows. '' I'm sorry then. '' I say and chuckle.

Tamara, Medina, and Donia have been my best friends since middle school. We used to hate each other but we became best friends in the last year of middle school. We decided to begin the same high school and we did. These years have been pretty fun but at the same time boring. It never happens something interesting in my life, I have the most boring life of all of my friends. My friends get involved in dramas, love, and many more interesting things that a teenage girl goes through. I'm really happy for them and it makes me happy to see them happy, but sometimes I wish I had their life. All my friends are kind of rich, their families own companies in the middle east like Dubai and Saudi Arabia. While my parents are jobless, they can't find a job so my oldest sister works at a restaurant and helps them with paying the rent. I can't blame my family, my family is a family who fleed from war and had it very rough. Of course, my friends help me too and I can't thank them enough! All my friends are Muslims, but I'm the only one who wears a hijab. That's maybe the reason why no one wants to get closer to me.

'' How's Malik doing Tamara? '' Donia asks her, Malik is Tamara's boyfriend of two years. They met when we were freshman's , he was a sophomore. Yes as I mentioned Tamara is Muslim but she has a boyfriend, It's unacceptable but it's her choice. '' Well he just started college you know so he's very happy. '' She says and Medina sighs. '' I have a bad feeling about him. '' She says. '' What do you mean? '' We ask her. '' You know every boyfriend who goes to college without his girlfriend beside him they cheat. '' She says and I roll my eyes. '' Medina, Malik isn't that type of guy. He's loyal. '' I tell her. '' Rasha's right, we know him too well. '' Tamara says and Donia nods.

'' Whatever, Mr.Bashar is more loyal. '' She rolls her eyes and we laugh. '' Rasha, what about you? Don't you have anyone in mind? '' Tamara asks me, I look at her confused. '' You're not serious? Right? '' I chuckle. She shakes her head. '' No I'm serious? Are you not talking to anyone? '' She asks me. I burst out laughing.

'' I don't have things on my mind, right now I want to focus on getting good grades and graduating from that trash school. Oh my god, I can't wait! '' I clap my hands and they laugh. '' But Rasha you're so beautiful why waste your beauty? '' Tamara smiles. '' Hun, I'm not wasting it, the time will come. '' I wink at her and she winks back.

an hour later

'' babes I need to go home now, mom will get pissed because I have school tomorrow and I'm not home yet. '' I tell them and hug them goodbye. '' Rasha, we will miss you! '' Medina says and I giggle. '' I will meet you tomorrow at school! '' I say and wave them goodbye. I walk out of Medinas home and about to walk home when I felt like I needed something.

Omg, I need my favorite chips! I have to run to the store and buy them before It gets dark! I walk to Walmart who's a few minutes away from Medina's house. When I arrive I walk in and search for the chips I'm looking for. Finally, I saw it. Omg the last one, I'm so lucky! I run to it and try to take it when I see another hand taking it before me. I look up and see a tall man looking at me, he's light tanned and black hairy, he looks middle eastern. '' Hey! That's mine! '' I say and try to take it from him.

'' Yours? '' He chuckles. '' I took it first so It's mine. '' He smirks, ugh I hate that types of guys. '' No! I laid my eyes on it first so It's mine! '' I almost shouted, he laughs. '' Give it to me. '' I tried to take it from him but he was too tall. '' If your a gentlemen give it to me, I walked to Walmart for about an hour to buy these chips! '' I lied. '' Yeah sure, I'll try to believe you. '' He says and I glare at him. '' Excuse me, Is there a problem? '' We turn around and look at an employee standing in front of us, '' Yes, do you have more chips like these for this young lady? '' He asked the employee and she looked at the chips we were fighting for. '' I'm sorry but no. It's all finished, the one your holding is the last one. But if you come back tomorrow you will find these chips here. '' She smiles.

'' You heard her come back tomorrow. '' He says and leaves for the cashier desk. I nod at the employee and jogged after him. '' Hey, please just give it to me. I really need it. I can't sleep without eating these chips and I start school tomorrow. '' I say and he smiles. '' Well I have work tomorrow and I can't sleep without these either. '' He winks at me and I roll my eyes. '' Pleaseeeee! '' I say and he shakes his head. '' ugh, I hope you die! '' I say and walk out of Walmart. If he thinks I gave up he's wrong. Rasha Hamadini never gives up. I hide behind a bush and wait for him to get out. A few minutes later I see him walking out with my chips. Okay, Rasha breath. 1. 2. 3! I run towards him and take the chips from him. '' Thank you so much! '' I say and run the fastest I can. When I look back I see him shaking his head, I burst out laughing and continued to run home.

I'm the smartest!


I'm so excited about this book, I love reading teacher-students stories so I decided to make my own type of teacher-student story. I hope you will enjoy it and if there are any problems with this book please message me. (Yes I'm going to continue with Unacceptable Love so don't worry!)

Love yaa! ❤❤😉

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