[23] really?

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I interrupted him by slowly wrapping my arms around his waist and slowly resting my head on his chest. I just wanted to hug him, I hate seeing him like this. My heart breaks, it breaks when I see how much he cares and loves me. Because I don't deserve this, I don't deserve him. I don't deserve his love and affection. He's worth someone who really can accept his love, which I can't. ''Rasha, what are you doing?'' He asked with a serious tone.

I stood there a few seconds more hugging him, I didn't want to let go. I didn't want this to end, I didn't want to let go of him. Now is my chance to stop hurting him, this is my chance to tell him how much I need him in my life. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, now is my time.

''Saiid... I love you. I love you more than anyone else, That's why...'' I let out as a whisper. But he heard it, I know that he heard it. I heard his heartbeat going faster. It was too unexpected for him to hear this now, but I had to tell him.

''When I found out that you were dating some girl I felt my heart break into pieces. I couldn't understand, we have so much fun together and we are so comfortable with each other. But It felt so fake the sooner I thought about it. I started to like you, in fact I started to fall in love with you.'' I stopped to breathe. I looked up at him as my arms were still wrapped around his waist.

''But I thought it was useless, what was the use? Even if you love me too, we can't be with each other. You know that too, you know that this is forbidden in every way Saiid.'' He looks at me with no reaction, he's only listening to me. I then let a painful chuckle, ''Let's just love each other and stay quiet like this.''

I let a tear down leave my eye, ''Even though you hate me now for what I did...'' I couldn't hold it in anymore. He held my face and leaned closer, he slowly placed a kiss on my forehead. He then looked at me, ''Rasha, my love for you will never end. It doesn't matter if you make me upset, it will never stop. Since we found each other I haven't stopped thinking about you, you're someone I can't stop loving and forget. You're mine, only mine.''

I look deeply into his eyes, everything he says makes my heart flutter. I then caress his cheek carefully, ''I didn't plan to date anyone, I never wanted to date anyone but you. It just happened, I don't know how, but it all of a sudden happened. But every time I spent time with her It felt so wrong, I never wanted anyone by my side. Only you, I never wanted anyone but you. Because I love you more than you can ever imagine.'' He kisses my palm.

A smile appears on my face, ''Really?'' He smiles back. ''Really.'' He adds and rests his forehead against mine. ''I love you.'' I let out.

''You do?'' He asks, cluelessly. I chuckle, ''I do.'' I feel his lips hover a hair's breadth from mine, so close that we're about to kiss. I look at his lips, wanting them to press mine. Gosh, I just want them all to myself. He leans closer, and closer and in any minute his lips will be on mine. I close my eyes to get ready, ready to have his lips on mine.

''Saiid?'' We heard a voice say, we immediately let go of each other. Allah, save my heart. I think It's about to explode. I look down at my shoes before I look up. My eyes met Nadia, she's looking at us confused. I hope she didn't see anything, I mean I don't think she did. It's too dark.

''Sai- Rasha? What are you doing here? Saiid? Why is your cardigan covered in blood?! What's going on?'' She panicked. Wait how could see he was covered with blood, isn't it too dark? ''Did I hear blood?'' I heard someone else say. I see Adnan, Mac, Jaffar and a woman I've never seen before coming out of the house. ''What the-'' Adnan turns his phone flashlight on and points it at Saiid. They widen their eyes at him, ''Bro, did you kill someone?''

Then Mac looks at me, ''Rasha, what happened?'' I gulp at his question. I didn't know how to reply. I look at Saiid who looks at me, even he doesn't know what to say. ''Babe? What happened?'' I see the girl I've never seen before walk closer to Saiid. Babe? Is she the one who's dating him? Right, she's the one dating him. I ball my hand into a fist, who does she think she is? Chill Rasha, you don't even know her.

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